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What Is Integrity in Engineering

6 min read

What is Integrity in Engineering? #

Integrity in engineering is the ongoing process of working and supporting the people who do jobs. It is the process of evaluating someone or yourself based on skills of doing work and communication skills and research skills every day. It contains all types of developments from education, degrees leading to a professional career and research departments. There are different stages and faculties of Integrity in engineering such as consulting department, coaching department and mentoring of projects, etc. Integrity in engineering must be made a priority to assess the skills and to increase the professional qualities and worth in the company. (Jesper, 2006)

Self-directed Ethics and Professionalism in Engineering #

Technological advancement has given a new direction to this world by discovering different angles of life. Every step towards advancement, whether it is in the construction or electronics and designing, requires engineering knowledge and the intellectuals of engineering are not so common. The creation of mega projects like jumbo jets or computers and bridges has a lot of hidden concepts of engineering to make this thing possible and for now, this study has not been integrated with the local culture and traditions.

After every year, technology changes to some extent, and some advancement is being made by professional engineers. So, it is necessary to have self-directed Integrity in engineering programs so that each difficulty regarding changes in technology could be overcome. Design of structures or instruments is developed by mechanical and civil engineers because it is the work related to their field, any other person can give ideas of structural designs but they can’t be implemented because of lack of hidden concepts. There is a need for Integrity in engineering because of rapid advancement in the technology and this advancement requires highly trained professionals for the work so that each and everything will be defect-free and highly qualified.

Historical Background #

At the very beginning of the technology era, fields of electronics and construction were not at a fast growth rate. The invention of computers in not sooner than 1642, the computer up to mid of 20th century was too slow but after the 2nd world war, there started advancement in technologies and computer life changed from 2nd generation computers to 4th generation computers within the half-century and has become more easily available in the markets publically. The demand for Integrity in engineering arose when technology was reached up to a certain level where highly qualified engineers were required and no one other than engineer could understand the codes of computers and programs.

Failures for Engineers and History #

The studies have explained the failures of engineering designs and appliances with time or during usage with the solutions to these problems. The failure of design will cause damage to a technology or a system, but the learning from any disaster can give much more experience and knowledge about maintaining the designs.

Engineering failures also explain about the human nature and engineering failures that engineer is human, he can do wrong calculations without knowing the factors affecting. To err is human also means that human nature is about to do wrong deeds without knowing the reality.

The main task of engineers is to learn from the failures and make sure that these failures don’t happen next time. According to the “Collapse of I-35W Highway Bridge Minneapolis, Minnesota August 1, 2007”, there are various methods that can be integral on one part but will be a loss on the other part.

Each work and case study must be understood very deeply, because the failures that have occurred before, whether smaller or larger, have something and some knowledge about controlling the failures next time. The author gave an example of bridges at different points to illustrate the failures of engineering designs and how the engineers learned from it to develop and construct better designs with fewer chances of failure.

In different engineering universities, a basic introductory course for engineering is taught in which film of American failure of bridges is shown to endorse the engineering student s for preparing for professional life.
The professional changes have changed the way of learning and experiments.

The use of information technology in the field of biomedical engineering and biomechanics has changed the experimental procedures. According to forensic studies, there should be ethical considerations in business management and the strategic goal to be achieved in time.

Integrity is defined as the role of ethics and professional commitment towards any business. One example from the field of information technology and medical technology was of Thorac-25, in which the errors of engineering technologies with other technologies contributed to a loss of six patients in the late 20th century. The main cause of failure was not following the safety and security guidelines given by the people to the industry.

Conclusion #

After the discussion of the risks associated with the development and technological advancement, it can be concluded that the main factors of hazards and failures are the mismanagement of the issue and neglecting the important safety measures.

With the use of Integrity in engineering, one can save the spoiling of any project. Engineers learn from the past and failures to excel in particular fields of technology and the same has been occurred till now.

This cycle of getting loss and failure and then learning process with the past failures and then work for invention and up-gradation of new projects can be stopped only when there is a proper system of analyzing the risks and hazards associated with those projects under consideration.

To stop this cycle, a proper investigation system about the purposes and relative advantages and disadvantages of the projects should be used to finalize the project. New machinery works only when it is connected to some particular configurations and according to predefined culture and context.

Any change in design introduces new challenges in the life of engineers and the chances of getting failure increase with the increase in possible changes in the designs. That’s why, any design change, whether it is bigger or small, necessary or of smaller importance, must be analyzed and its objectives of addition must be addressed before the execution of the project.

These changes and objectives must be compared with the existing objectives of the project and the design should also be compared before finalizing any change.

References #

Jesper, M. (2006). Integrity in engineering, reflection, and decision-making. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Matherne, B. (2011). To Engineer is Human: The role of failure in Successful Design. A Reader’s Journal, 1 – 8.
Petroski, H. (1992). Design is getting from here to there. In H. Petroski, To Engineer is Human (pp. 64 – 74). New York: Vintage Books.
Petroski, H. (1992). To Engineer is Human. In H. Petroski, To Engineer is Human (p. 201). New York: Vintage Books.
Petroski, H. (1992). To Engineer is Human. New York: Vintage Books.
Petroski, H. (1992). To Engineer is Human. In H. Petroski, To Engineer is Human. (p. 232). New York: Vintage Books.


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