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Methodological Critique on the selected dissertation

11 min read

“The relationship between perceived academic administrator leadership styles and

Job satisfaction of full-time faculty members”

Summary of the Selected Dissertation #

The topic of the selected dissertation (Bateh J. T., 2013) for the methodological critique was “Leadership Styles and Faculty Satisfaction in the State University System of Florida” and the research question used in the selected dissertation were:

  • What is the relationship between perceived administrator leadership styles and job satisfaction of faculty members?
  • What is the relationship between perceived transformational leadership styles and job satisfaction of faculty members?
  • What is the relationship between perceived transactional leadership styles and job satisfaction of faculty members?
  • What is the relationship between perceived passive/avoidant leadership styles and job satisfaction of faculty members?”

To evaluate and analyze these question the selected dissertation researcher used the survey questionnaire technique and the final study sample includes responses from “104 faculty members of the University of North Florida whose demographics shows that the percentage of the tenured faculty members in the final sample of the study was 62.5% (N = 65) whereas 37.5% (N = 39) were not tenured.”

This study was conducted in the year 2013. And the approach used in this dissertation was quantitative the researcher collected the data through a survey questionnaire that was developed by the “Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire -5X,  Spector’s Job Satisfaction Survey, and the Demographic Survey”.

The researcher used the Survey Monkey application to collect data from the respondents. The main purpose of the demographic survey was to collect information about the tenure status, gender, and ethnicity of the respondents.

The researcher provides four weeks to the respondents to give their responses. The analysis was conducted on the SPSS software. The descriptive statistics were applied to the demographic data to determine the tenure status, gender, and ethnicity of the respondents.

Second, the researcher conducted the reliability and validity test analysis on two instruments which ensure the acceptance measurement error amount of the instrument used in the study over periods.

The researcher also performed the logistic regression analysis to ensure the correlation between MLQ leadership with job satisfaction.

The results of the selected dissertation (Bateh J. T., 2013)of the demographic analysis showed that the respondents were distributed between the female and the male respondents roughly the dominant respondents of the study were the White and showed that their tenured rate was double than the rate of the non-tenured members.

Outcomes of the MLQ leadership states that the dominant leading style of the leadership in the selected sample was the transformational as 76% of the respondents select it after it the passive/avoidant leadership style was selected by the 11.5% respondents and the transactional leadership was selected minimum as by only 7.7% of the respondent.

Results showed that no participant identified the passive/avoidant as a dominant leadership style in the category of satisfaction. And the transformation style falls in the most satisfying job category style. Exactly, 15.2% (n = 12) of the faculty members with the transformational administrators were dissatisfied, while the further 84.8% (n = 67) were the satisfied members.

The members with the transactional leaders were tended to be the most dissatisfied once as they didn’t come in the satisfied category. “Of these respondents, 75% (n = 6) were dissatisfied, while the remaining 25% (n = 2) were satisfied.”

The outcomes of this research study were very important as they contribute to the community change through generating awareness of effective leadership.

The results provide the administrators with information that may help and support them in making the decisions and the implication concerning their leadership and help them in improving and make modifications in leader’s leadership styles and as a result, the job satisfaction level of the faculty member enhanced.

Results help the higher-level education institutions in their cost reduction process by decreasing the voluntary turnover, reduction in the expenditures of the assortment, and the training related to the turnover.

The outcome of this research study assists the shareholders to build tactics that will support them to enhance the satisfaction of the faculty members consequently the university growth and the effectiveness enhances.

Critique of the selected dissertation #

The concepts and terms defined in the selected dissertation #

The selected dissertation examines the

“relationship between the perceived academic administrator leadership styles and the job satisfaction of the full-time faculty members.”

The transformational, passive/avoidant, and transactional leadership styles of the academic administrators in the faculty members were the independent variables utilized in this research study.

In this dissertation (Bateh J. T., 2013)  states that the passive leader will wait for the problems to occur before taking the actions. In the leadership style of transactional, the leader’s primary emphasis is on the level and the smooth running of an organization through the surety that the system is maintained and the goals of the company were clear.

In the transformational style of leadership, the leader of the company actively works for shaping the organizational culture through the construction of a shared and mutual vision.

The job satisfaction of full-time members of the faculty was the dependent variable of the study. Job satisfaction is vital for the growth of an organization.

The dissertation (Bateh J. T., 2013) used the theory of Path-goal in the research that states that the leaders of the organization may motivate or encourage their followers through offering them their guidance, support, and different rewards and incentives when they require them.

My topic and research questions #

The topic of my research is

“The relationship between perceived academic administrator leadership styles and job satisfaction of full-time faculty members”

And the research question of my research is related to my thesis and these are: primary research question of my research is

  1. What is the relationship between perceived administrator leadership styles and job satisfaction of faculty members? And there are three secondary research questions
  2. What is the relationship between perceived transformational leadership styles and job satisfaction of faculty members?
  3. What is the relationship between perceived transactional leadership styles and job satisfaction of faculty members?
  4. What is the relationship between perceived passive/avoidant leadership styles and job satisfaction of faculty members?

My research concepts #

The concepts that will be used in my research study include Leadership style it will be used as an independent variable and is further divided into three categories Transformational leadership style, Passive/avoidant leadership style, and transformational leadership style.

The dependent variable used in the research is job satisfaction. The research is being based on the theory Path-goal theory of leadership. (House & Mitchell, 1975). For the demographic data, the study uses the variables gender, teaching experience, working tenure, ethnicity, and education level.

Sample, sampling strategy, and the site for the selected dissertation #

The population of the selected dissertation consists of the 567 full-time faculty members within the university including the professors, associate professors, assistant professors, instructors, and lecturers. The final sample includes 104 participants that are selected through random sampling.

The selected dissertation collected the data from the faculty member of the State University named the University of North Florida. This university had experienced an increased demand for new leaders since the launch of the New Florida Initiative.” (Bateh J. T., 2013)

The research approach used in the selected dissertation was quantitative and the data for the research analysis was collected from the respondents through circulating the survey questionnaire with the help of survey monkey application.

The site and the year the study took place #

“The selected dissertation study sample included a single state university out of 11 state universities.” (Bateh J. T., 2013).

The selected university was the University of North Florida and the year the dissertation study took place was 2013.

Data collection method and analysis #

The data of the selected dissertation (Bateh J. T., 2013) was collected through the use of a questionnaire instrument that was designed in this order: the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire with Questionnaire-5X instrument was used to examine the academic administration of the selected sample.

Spector  Job Satisfaction Survey was used to collect the information about the job satisfaction of the respondents, and the Demographic Survey was conducted to evaluate the demographic difference between the respondents. The design of the selected dissertation study was correlational not the experimental.

Sample, sampling strategy, and the site for my proposed study, sampling strategy, and the site for my proposed study #

The approach used in this study is quantitative. This study examines the relationship between perceived academic administrator leadership styles and job satisfaction of full-time faculty members. The selected population of this study is 624 full-time faculty members in the university.

This study collects data from the faculty members of Taibah University in Saudi Arabia. This study is based on the Path-goal theory of leadership. The sampling strategy used in the study is random as the participants are selected randomly from the population. The research design of the study is correlated as it is not an experimental study.

Data instruments and analysis used for the selected dissertation

The instrument used to collect data in the selected dissertation was the questionnaire.

“The survey questions originated from the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Questionnaire-5X, Job Satisfaction Survey, and Demographic Survey.”

For the analysis of the study data the Descriptive statistic, reliability, and validity test, and logistic regression was performed on the SPSS software.

Data sources, data instruments, and data analysis plan that I plan to use

The data source of this research study includes a full-time faculty member of Taibah University in Saudi Arabia. The instrument used for collecting the data is the surveyed questionnaire. I conduct my survey for the research study. The sampling strategy used in this research is a random sampling technique.

The data of this research is analyzed by applying the descriptive statistic on demographic data and by performing the reliability and validity test to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data over periods and logistic regression will be applied to examine the relationship between administrator leadership styles and the job satisfaction of faculty members of the Taibah University in Saudi Arabia.

Limitations of the study of the selected dissertation

“The limitation of the selected dissertation was the study selected sample included a single state university in the State University System of Florida out of 11 state universities.” (Bateh & Heyliger, 2014).

The sample size of the study was low as out of the 578 faculty members this study only includes 104 respondents. This creates the problem of data reliability as it was noted that an increasing number of data ensures the reliability of the study more.

As this research government-operated university only add single so the future researcher can include more colleges like the 4-year state colleges and the 2-year community colleges to investigate the impact of the leadership styles on the faculty job satisfaction within the private colleges, and the universities.

Second, as this study address, only three demographic variables and all showed an insignificant impact on job satisfaction so the future researcher may add more demographic variables to investigate the job satisfaction among the faculty members like the teaching experience, different sub-sets of the ethnicity and the education level.

Challenges that my study may encounter #

This study examines the relationship between perceived academic administrator leadership styles and job satisfaction in Saudi Arabia University. Increase the population size and includes full-time faculty members in the study. By applying the Path-goal theory of leadership.

The selected dissertation use the demographic questions addressed only included three confounding variables, which were tenure status, gender, and ethnicity. While this study includes teaching experience and education level in demographics to evaluate better results of the study.

My Proposed Research Study #

The purpose of this quantitative study is to examine the relationship between perceived academic administrator leadership styles and job satisfaction of full-time faculty members

Research question(s) #

The study research question is divided into the primary research question and secondary research. The study includes one primary research question and three secondary research questions. These research questions are:

Primary Research Question 1: What is the relationship between perceived administrator leadership styles and job satisfaction of faculty members?

Secondary Research Question 2: What is the relationship between perceived transformational leadership styles and job satisfaction of faculty members?

Secondary Research Question 3: What is the relationship between perceived transactional leadership styles and job satisfaction of faculty members?

Secondary Research Question 4: What is the relationship between perceived passive/avoidant leadership styles and job satisfaction of faculty members?

The setting of the Research study #

The approach used in this research study is qualitative. The research design used in this research study is correlative as it is not an experimental study.

Sampling #

The sampling strategy used in this study is a random sampling. The selected country for the sample of this study is Saudi Arabia and the selected university is Taibah University. And the selected population is full-time faculty members of the university.

Data collection and analysis strategy. #

The instrument used for collecting the data is surveyed questionnaire I will create my Questionnaire survey for research. The selected population for the data collection is 624 full-time faculty members in the university.

The data of this research is analyzed by applying the descriptive statistic on demographic data and by performing the reliability and validity test to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data over periods and logistic regression will be applied to examine the relationship between administrator leadership styles and the job satisfaction of faculty members of the Taibah University in Saudi Arabia.

References #

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