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Culture Journal Answers

4 min read

Table of Contents

Humility is the medical practice is of paramount importance for a perfect patient-physician relationship? Why is cultural humility even more relevant to health care providers in the US? What makes them special? #

Answer: the cultural, racial, ethnic diversity is going to increase day by day. It became compulsory in the medical practice to train the physician and practitioners skillfully.

So that it will remove the racial, and non-financial barriers that operate the patient and physician dynamic way. The dynamic is mismatched by the social-cultural mismatches between and patients and providers.

The innovative approaches to multiculturalism come from different sources. The medical institute trains the practitioners to serve the patients regardless of multicultural differences nutritional and belief system of the patient.

Why should self-reflection and self-critiquing be a lifelong commitment? #

The researcher (self-reflection) become aware of your own world view. This habit becomes develops through long-life commitment. It also leads to self-reflection and self-critique. The exercise becomes aware of your historical, ethnic, and cultural differences. It is a process of knowledge.

How did you see this article by Tervalon & Murray-Garcia, connecting healthcare delivery to leadership quality? #

Health care delivers leadership quality because it a constructive process. The cultural competency stimulates the detached, intellectual practice. The leader engages the practitioner to take responsibility for the tasks.

Physician practices cultural humanity. The practice approaches the population-based approach. It eliminates inequality in health care delivery. The knowledge is based on awareness of the other culture.

The teaching is on technical communication skills. It is a profound issue of racial issues and challenges cross-racial.

What steps are important in becoming a Culturally Competent provider? #

The cultural competency is cultural competency training. It is an intellectual practice in describing the other practice tradition of descriptive and medical anthropology.

At the practical leadership, engage the practitioner in the process of training. The training is an ongoing courageous and honest process of self-critique and self-analysis.

The training examines the pattern of unintentional and unintentional racism, classism, and homophobia. Cultural competence is a health care provider. Competence is important in every aspect of public lives.

It promotes access to quality care for refugees and immigrants.  Every human being is a member of many cultures. Culture influence on individual health, health, beliefs, practices, behaviors. Every person deserves equal quality health care. It is an obligation to eliminate the barrier to such access.

What are some of the educational principles for attaining Cultural Competency? #

Cultural competency differs from cultural sensitivity and awareness. The practices and principles define the relative’s ideas. The training is helpful to courage, support, and assist the nation’s schools to achieve better outcomes in the school children and youth with emotional disturbance.

Children with poor disabilities and emotional detachment are not able to get good grades in schools. The practitioner must prefer patient communication, language barrier, cultural identification, comprehend the situation of the patient. The patient must build an atmosphere of trust, and belief.

What are the characters’ attitudes toward these “meat” beings when they repeat the statement “They’re Made out of Meat”? #

The sentence is about the story about the two aliens on the earth planet. It is a treatment to the other environment.

What does culture mean to you and how has your understanding of culture been influenced by this chapter? #

Culture is a set of beliefs, specific systems, and traditions. The culture has been influenced by the one out of many cultures.  The cultural differences also affect on the health system and policymaking.

The culture needs linguistic competence. Culture is the set of beliefs and set of customer behavior to maintain in the society, either in the ethnic groups and social classes. My behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, customs, and ways of life make me different from the other community.

If asked, “What is your cultural background?” how would you respond what are the key features you use to decide what cultural identity to claim? Has your cultural identity changed over the course of your life? How? #

 My cultural tradition has an ancestor’s roots. I follow the rules and regulations. My accent or speaking style is different from the other communities. The dress I wear is a symbol of my culture.

The tradition, rules of living claim my identity to my culture. The United States is the state of the complex society is the varied cultural groups. The cultural groups are a combination of experiences, environment, and personal preferences.

In culture, we express ourselves and evolving in social relationships. The expression of language expressed in religion politics or gender.

How might knowledge about culture (i.e. cultural competency) be helpful for health care professionals? What might be the value of ethnographic descriptions for health care professionals? #

The cultural competency health program eradicates the distinction to the other culture and the communities. The practitioner and researcher provide the practice. How to deal with different patients. It is very important for the health of the patients.

The doctors treat patients regardless of race, ethnicity, and not show the behavioral pattern of ethnic pride and ethnic- cent racism and Xenophobia.

CLAS implies services that are respectful of and responsive to individual cultural health beliefs and practices, preferred languages, health literacy, levels, and communication needs and employed by all members of an organization (regardless of size) at every point of contact. What can you do to foster culturally and linguistically appropriate communication? What outcomes can result from non-compliance with CLAS? #

The concept of culture puts a positive effect on patient care. It is also helpful in health beliefs, practices, for the culture and the linguistic need. It includes behavior, languages.

The researcher connects according to the need of the patient so that the doctor understands the problems of the patients and eliminate the barrier of language and culture distinguish.

There are inherited traits that are pass from one period to the other period. The doctor’s communication skills smooth with the patients. It must be important culturally and linguistically appropriate communication.

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