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Essay Cultural Analysis on Brazil

3 min read

Please write a 2-page paper double spaced, 12font on cultural analysis on Brazil and follow the format given   

Cultural Analysis

I. Brief discussion of the country’s relevant history
II. Geographical location (show in a graph)
III. Social institutions
A. Education – Literacy rates
B. Political system
1. Political structure
2. Political parties
3. Stability of government
4. Role of local government
C. Legal system: Code, common, socialist, or Islamic-law country
IV. Religion – Which religions are prominent?


  1. Brief Background #

Brazil has a deep history and Historians narrate that people are living in Brazil for 8,000 years ago. Nomadic and semi-nomadic people were first traced in Brazil. Brazil was a colony of Europe and it is located in the continent of South America. Brazil was discovered by Portuguese diplomat Pedro Álvares Cabra when he was moving to India between Salvador and Rio de Janeiro (Meyer, 2010).

  1. Geographical Location

Brazil starts from Amazon Basin in the north to Iguaçu Falls vineyards in South. The map shows it.

  • Social Institutions

The primary social institutions in Brazil include the military, the police, the national government, the religious leaders, media, and large local and international companies (, 2019).

  1. Education:

Brazil is among the countries having highest literacy rate in the world. The current literacy rate of Brazil is 91.73 percent.

  1. Political System:

Brazil is a federal presidential representative democratic republic where the president is the head of the state and the head of the government. It is a multi-party system and cabinet runs under the orders of the president of the country (, 2017).

  1. Political Structure

The political structure of the county follows presidential representative democratic republic pattern. The president is head of government. Cabinet works under the president (, 2017).

  1. Political Parties #

The major political parties in Brazil include Brazilian Democratic Movement, Communist Party of Brazil, Labor Party of Brazil, Green Party, Republican Party of the Social Order, and Pirate Party of Brazil (Mello, 2013).

  1. Stability of government #

The political stability index for Brazil ranges from -2.5 weak; 2.5 strong. However, the average political stability of Brazil according to the World Bank from 1996 to 2017 was -0.15 points and the minimum value was -0.41 points. Minimum was in 2017, maximum was in 2002, and it was 0.33 points (Bank, 2017).

  1. Role of local government #

Local government is mostly centralized and local units possess little authority in Brazil. The country has 26 states and each state has its own constitution with elected governor. The local government elects president with approval from Senate (, 2019).

  1. Legal System

The legal system in Brazil is Civil Law System. The country has Federal Constitution that came into force on 5th October 1988 (, 2015).

  1. Religion

Christianity is the most prominent religion in Brazil. Other religions include Buddhism, Spiritism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Islam, Protestantism, and African and indigenous religions (, 2018).



Bank, T. W. (2017). Retrieved from

Mello, J. (2013, October 11). Retrieved from

Meyer, A. (2010). Retrieved from (2019). Retrieved from (2017). Retrieved from (2015, June 9). Retrieved from (2018, August 7). Retrieved from




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