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Case analysis on Becton Dickinson

9 min read

Conduct an environmental scan of the various factors impacting Becton Dickinson currently through the use of a PESTEL trend analysis? #

Here we will discuss some of the issues which are affecting the Becton Dickinson by using the PESTEL. The political issue in this company is growing political issues and pressure on healthcare. Healthcare savings is being looked after by global governments. Here the government should play an important role in the health care department.

The next issue which we will discuss is economic issues in this company. Economic crises globally are there as there is a reduction in individual disposable income or salary.

If it’s happening in the deduction in employee’s salaries, they will not provide their services by showing motivation. Therefore the economic issue is the main problem in this company which is facing the problem.

Another issue which is going to discuss is a social issue. Which play an important role in others life. So there should be awareness of the patient, and changing their expectations.

Important thing is that the public/patients are increasing their activism let’s take an example on social issue i.e. new organs social networking technologies are examples.

Another issue is a technological issue which plays a vital role in any company as everyone knows if new technology is not used somehow the company must be in some critical situation.

We can get new information by using new technologies. There are customized treatments that are easier to use and the patient also feels satisfied, and patients direct advertising.

The next issue which is going to discuss is an Environmental issue.  This issue is not that much aware of the things which are being happened to them these days.

So one should take responsibility to convey the right things at the right time.  They have to grow environmental agenda things to be done So that all communities can get awareness from these people.

The last issue is a legal issue in which the company is responsible and as well as the government as well. Companies have to advertise their message or product.

If it’s beneficial for the customer then its good other government has to take such actions to banned advertisement and promotion of their products.

Litigation should be increased. Advertising laws should be changed globally and self-contradictory so betterment could be seen.

According to the analysis of PESTEL, we can improve our company performance if the government involves in this matter in proper way support on advertising, awareness in public, introduce the new trends in the market. In this way, the company can grow in a political, economical, and social way.

What actions must Becton Dickinson take to strengthen the role of the human resource function in supporting the overall business strategy? #

The first and foremost thing in human resources is recruiting there should be proper rules and regulations for running the human resource department. As per this department recruiting is the main thing because this department has to hire the employees for different depart so selection should be performed on the capabilities of the person.

After that, the employee is being hired here comes the promotion of the employees the main point is how they can evaluate their performance.

That employee is being promoted who got good performance overall. It counts his behavior with his colleague, manager, and higher management as well. In this way, such an individual got promoted in any organization.

The way to motivate their employee is by compensation that how much they compensate their employees. This makes an individual motivated, here comes the role of an employee as well to give his good performance in any department, and after that company gets a good return from an individual. It’s not all the responsibility of the company an individual should play a role.

An employee gets motivated if the company provides him with good benefits. Like health insurance, bonuses, increments, etc.

The Company gives the targets that to achieve the goal here comes the responsibility of an employee as well to make some strategy to achieve his targets. After that company provides an individual with such benefits as well.

An individual is who provides his company more return at less cost. In this way, an individual makes such strategies to achieve his goals so that company provides him with good benefits.

The main thing is to make different strategic plans for a company as well in which the company can easily beat its competitors in the market. So that company can earn more profit.

Once an individual becomes a part of an organization, he should make a commitment to the company to provide the best skills from which the company can earn a good return from that.

There should be a strong system for hiring and firing in the human resource department once the recruiting will be done on merit, there come perfect employees who know how to use different strategies where and when.

In this way the company’s human resource department can be strong by keeping their recruiting system strong, improving the way of selection, properly evaluating the employee’s performance so that they could get promoted, having a part of meetings with shareholders while making the strategic planning for the company.

In this way, we can make the human resource department strong. Hence the human resource department is one of the main departments and by doing these all changes betterment will be confirmed for the company.

Should the human resource function be driven at the corporate level or further down at the sector or business level? Support your answer with specific reasons why or why not? #

There is a myth that what and how human resource functions should be operated. It has been noticed that there are many views and many explanations by the different owners and the companies as well.

It could be noted that there are many different opinions that could be taken into consideration as the corporate level is there and other businesses.

It is further examined that the importance and the need for human resource functions are everywhere. Whether it is the office, business, corporate level, industry, or the country level.

The main theme behind this is to manage the people, and they can be done in a subsequent manner. Therefore it is needed to be seen that what are the main things that are needed to be changed and to whom importance is needed to be given (Bhattacharyya, 2009).

Looking at the case it could be said that the industry level and the business level both need to implement the human resource function, and they need to focus on the main things at all steps.

It could be considered to be one of the main aspects of the business which is needed to grow, and the properties could be handled in the right manner.

Moving to human resource functions, it is noticed that they are planning, organizing, leading, controlling, and not an evaluation as well.

All these five functions are important for the people in the organization, for the industry, for the business, and the state as well. However, we need to determine that at which level implementation needs to be.

Therefore I believe that the human resource and the functions that are related to the various activities need to be there at all times. The main point is that planning is the main key to success for the business.

Here in the case, it is not properly managed, and that is the reason time to time the problems are incurred overall in the industry.

Hence it could be examined that the best way for the implementation of the HR policies is to take care of the employees. They are the real people or the blood in the company that is warming day and night just to keep the company alive.

Therefore they are needed to be addressed properly, and the compensation needs to be done properly (Fambrough, 2008).

Hence I will like to say that in this case, the most important human resource function is to implement at the business level. The industry cannot be changed by one employer or the whole sector.

Therefore one needs to will for the change, and then it will be possible for the change. Therefore the human resource function needs to be implemented effectively.

Discuss the various job analysis techniques that can be used to develop the new position of Director of Organizational Development? #

It is noted that Job analysis techniques are one of the important aspects of the companies. It is noted most of the time whenever the organization is looking for the personals or the change in the company the Job analysis techniques is needed to be addressed at that point so that the realties could be found out and actions are taken accordingly (GUBBINS, 2009).

It is examined that there are many different techniques that could be used in this case for the analysis of the new position in the company. It is noted that most of the time the companies do not look into the details and they do whatever feels good and comfortable to them.

This is not one of the best decisions that have been taken by the companies, and that is the reason it is needed to be controlled at every given point in the company.

It is noted that the observations are one of the best techniques in this manner and the Job analysis techniques will be useful in selecting the new post in the company.

Here the real-time observation is done by the expert or the upper management in most of the cases. Here, in this case, this is needed to the most level so that problems could be solved.

Moving towards the other Job analysis techniques, it could be noticed that there are many different aspects that could be used in this context.

Here the interviewing will take in position as interviewing a live person is always better ion this case. Looking at the case, these Job analysis techniques will be used in the paper for the new position of director (Kok & Kok, 2003).

Another technique that can be used for the company to fill the director position is to have the questionnaire analysis. This is one of the best techniques that could be used overall.

By implementing these Job analysis techniques, the realities will be shown up, and the best candidate will be seen overall which will be good for the company.

Another special technique that could be used in this case is the specialized job analysis method in the Job analysis techniques. Here the best techniques will be utilized in the best possible manner. It could be noted that there are many different ways in which this technique will be beneficial for the company.

Here the top analyst says that the Job analysis techniques with the help of specialized job methods are one of the greatest techniques overall.

In this case, the new director position is available, and that what is seen in the detail. The main point to consider at this stage is that how to make the changes in the organization do that the new position in the organizational development could be determined.

Therefore the questionnaire, interview, specialized job analysis, and the observations are taken into considerations so that the betterment could be determined overall (McAbee, Landis, & Burke, 2017).

References: #

Bhattacharyya, D. K. (2009). Human Resource Planning. Excel Books India,

Fambrough, M. J. (2008). Emotions in Leadership Development: A Critique of Emotional Intelligence. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 10(5), 740-758.

GUBBINS, C. (2009). Understanding the HRD Role in MNCs: The Imperatives of Social Capital and Networking. Human Resource Development Review, 8(2), 245-275.

Kok, J. d., & Kok, d. (2003). Human resource management within small and medium-sized enterprises. Rozenberg Publishers.

McAbee, S. T., Landis, R. S., & Burke, M. I. (2017). Inductive reasoning: The promise of big data. Human Resource Management Review, 27(2), 277-290.

Perspectives, F. (2006). Fresh Perspectives: Human Resource Management. Pearson South Africa.

Reddy, M. S. (2005). Human Resource Planning. Discovery Publishing House.

Rogoff, E. G. (2007). Bankable Business Plans. Rowhouse Publishing.

Santos, A. (2003). Employee perceptions and their influence on training effectiveness. Human Resource Management Journal, 13(1), 27-45.

Thomsen, M. (2009). The Dynamic Business Plan. Thomsen Business Information.

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