Those Winter Sundays Theme | Analysis

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The author Robert Hayden (whose birth name was Asa Bundy Sheffey) poem. “Those Winter Sundays” explores different themes and from which the two most prominent are ingratitude and love. The love theme is right from the beginning line. In the poem, the fact stated that the father of the speaker used tp arose up early on “Winter Sundays.” To gather wood for a fire to keep his children warm, which shows the vivid love of a father for his son and his family. While his son still lies in bed and father arose early for the love of their family to give them what they needed.

The father used to go up early may sometimes be without his consent, or maybe he wants to rest that day, but he got up first without his genuine consent as no one is them to fulfil his duty. He is the one who is going to keep his family warm and healthy. Many fathers do their task and want their son ti to arise early, not for that, he wants something for himself. But to make his son learn how to take and perform the responsibilities of an adult.

Those Winter Sundays Analysis

Nevertheless, his father did not show his love overtly in his words, but he shows it symbolically through his effort and attitude. He does not crave attention for love has given to his children. Father enacts this love, which the quality of a father. He only wants to see you succeed, but he does not

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want to show how happy he is. His natural warmth is represented by fire as it gives the figurative warmth in winters that are. How the father affection is and despite sometimes house was filled with chronic anger of the speaker’s parents.

There is another symbol of fatherly love, the speaker states. Father does not raise his son until the home is physically uncomfortable. That’s the time when he seeks his son’s presence. He does not rush his son. He sometimes knows the house is full of coldness and out of physical warmth same as emotional coldness and tension. The father also shows acts of love while he drove out in the cold, and even when he polished his son’s good shoes. This is the central theme o of the poem that it explores love in so many other ways.

Those Winter Sundays Theme

Now when the speaker is old himself, he is better to know and appreciate his love in words. Which his father demonstrated with quiet silently but full of meaning. The poem all overexpression is son describing a father’s love. Speaker regrets that he takes it for granted like his other family members. Who never thanked his father for all the love affection and warmth he gave to the whole family not, in a worldly manner. But in the style of meaning, the unconditional love he delivered by symbolic things is in itself is symbolic.

The poem in the form of the speaker’s belated thanks to his father, in a reciprocal manner of love towards his father. Where he defines himself as a person, who does not know about the fathers, love until he became one and started his professional at that time, he realized how much effort his father put without ever expectation of thanks to giving his family warmth and growth. He describes the love in words” What did in the know, what did I know of the love austere and lonely offices?”

Other Aspects of the Poem

Where he looks hopeless about his knowledge of the father’s love, which makes. This poem another expression of emotional attachment and his understanding of love. These are the things that make this poem more interesting and full of different themes of father love. Where he tirelessly in the pursuit to fulfil his dreams to make his family dreams come true. To make it warmer and healthier. He provided everything which he is capable of. And sometimes he delivered more than that, and that is where the difference lies.

These lines gather around the other theme of this poem, which is ingratitude — the tendency of human beings to take for granted the love of his family and close friends. Especially family members whose love is ironic; people take for granted.


The line which describes this ingratitude is the line “ no one ever thanked him.” For the fatherly effort, he has made for his family, including his son. It showed the first explicit theme of father love, although sometimes the home is full of chronic anger. It is also implied again in the reference of the speaker when he is indifferent towards his father’s loving acts.  Finally, thanks and love stated in the closing line of his poems. Where he showed respect towards his father’s efforts.

The poem describes different events of father love when he has driven out in the cold. And in respect of his son, he polished his functional boots, and when he did not wake him up in the morning. He only waked him up until he has realized that the environment of a house is physically uncomfortable. The whole poem is an expression of belated thanks and love towards his father, and this is what makes this poem one of its own, which based on the recognition which is always will be due to his father and that what makes the difference from the speaker younger self and the present self.


To conclude this, the speaker writes this poem.  The purpose of the poem was to do thanks to the efforts of the speaker’s father. Which he always took for granted in his early ages like his other family members and close ones. But now he has realized as he has to know and realized. That how much effort his father has pout to keep his family running. This poem shows the different acts of love of the father towards his family and especially a son.

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