A Beautiful Mind Summary Essay

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This movie “A Beautiful Mind” is the American human drama biographical movie, which is based on the inspired events from the life of John Forbes Nash Jr, is the Economics’ Nobel Laureate. It is somehow different from the book and main focus is on the memory issues of John Nash and how he faced all the difficulties around him. John Forbes experienced all the depths of the depravity in his life. The young mathematical genius made the discovery in his early career and also stood for the international acclaim.

A Beautiful Mind Review

This arrogant and very handsome Nash latterly found on the harrowing and painful journey on his discovery. He was awarded a Nobel Prize after doing struggle from years in his life career in his legacy of mathematics. The brilliant Nash accepts to work secretly in cryptography in that way his life starts turn towards the nightmarish.

The 2001 movie is directed by Ron Howard having Ed Harris, Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connelly stars in the cast. The writers Akiva Goldsman, who write the movie and Sylvia Nasar was the book writer on the life of John Nash. The movie also won awards and an Oscar in best director, best picture, best cast, and best screenplay. The movie also grossed $313 million at worldwide. The story is on the mathematics Nash whose game theory was

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overshadowed from decades of the mental illness. The movie starts with the first day at Princeton in 1947 where the main actor arrived with other students as a graduate one. Nash got the scholarship from Princeton University. Nash is the dismissive and so arrogant with all his classmates except one Charles which is his roommate too and become Nash’s closet friend that is Paul Bettany.

A Beautiful Mind Delusions of Reference:

Charles suggests Nash take a break and go to visit bar when he pursues his studies. Nash seeks the original idea on his thesis paper and he was also pressured to do the work on the thesis. After he got rejected at the bar from the women he inspires his work with the concept of dynamics governing that is the theory of mathematical economics. After that, he receives the appointment from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with his friends Bender and Sol. He started doing the job eventually after completing his studies from the university.

His success impresses the entire faculty and in his teaching period at that institute, Nash starts doing interesting problems that he gives his students to do on the chalkboard. Nash starts dating to Alicia who was his student and usually came to his office for solving the problem in which she found difficulty, Alicia was younger than Nash but both fall in love with each other and planned to get married soon. Parcher came to Nash and enlists him to work as the codebreaker along with workers group who scans magazines and newspaper to find the Russian hidden codes that embedded in that text. For Parcher, Nash work is to leave codes in the secret box.

He was working as the spy company. Clandestine work of Nash makes him nervous. Thereafter he married Alicia. After that Nash caught in the gun battle that was happened between Russian agents and Parcher. Parcher also threatened Nash to be killed on quitting. While giving the lecture at the Harvard University, Charles was seen by Nash in the audience and Russian agents as well. It was all the imaginary thoughts of the Nash, every scene of the movie having Charles; the clue is giving to the auditions because he was just same even after 5 years and come along with his niece in every scene of the movie. (Bilha, 2018)

A Beautiful Mind Schizophrenia Symptoms:

Nash sent to the Psychiatric facility at Dr.Rosen who call Alicia and tells her that Nash is not well and suffering from the schizophrenia and Charles and Parcher always exist on his mind. His mental condition was so disturbed at that time, which has spoiled his entire life and his family and also his profession. At very first his wife Alicia don’t believe on Dr.Rosen but then she finds drop box with unopened missives in his office, then she gets to know that Nash is not mentally well and he is doing all on his own imagination and he is mentally sick patient.

Then Nash takes the therapy and then Alicia and Nash along with their son move to the Princeton. Dr.Rosen and Alicia take care of Nash in every moment when he needed his wife. She supports him and tried her best to get him normal to the life with full of happiness. Nash became lethargic after insulin therapy because of the medicines, the drug’s effects negatively and then he stops his pill which affects his all relationships with Nash’s intellectual capacity.

He and his wife decide to live with Nash’s illness. Alicia watched that Nash didn’t save their child from drowning in his bathtub, and then Nash claims that Charles was there to watch the son. Alicia on that moment called Hospital in an emergency. Parcher urges to kill Alicia, and Nash refuses, but after arguing Nash knocks his wife to the ground. After that Alicia try to left the house but he came in front of the car to stop her from leaving him. (Huggo, 2018)

After that, Nash stops interacting with Charles and Parcher but he continues to see them. After some improvement in his health, he is able to restart his teaching career in the same university and honored by his the professors on his mathematics achievements and he receives the Nobel Prize after his death on 1994 in Economics on his work on the game theory.

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The conclusion of a beautiful mind movie

the Nash’s hallucination, as Nash reported his delusions by himself that was mostly mental and auditory. The screenwriter delivered every scene smoothly and in real Nash had the remission of his illness. The full-time period of his illness was nicely acted and captured by the director to put the impression that the medication at abandoning method was the appropriate step to deal with this disease called disorganized schizophrenia.



Bilha, A. (2018). A Beautiful Mind – John Nash’s Praised And Still Condemned Mind. H C.

Huggo. (2018). A Beautiful Mind. IMDB.


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