Alibaba Goes Global; Singles Day Sales Top $5.9 Billion

Alibaba has launched there one of the major IPO activities and the marketing techniques made them available to exposed to more new opportunities and trends. Highly trendier in the corporate sector, there are various competitors but the fact that allowed them to prevail their trends in the market include how they can go for the structures and measures as compared to just focus on the new and more diverse products…

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Costly Medicines and Pus in Milk-Article Review

Costly medicines and pus in milk The selected news article is entitled “Costly medicines and pus in milk: a Brexit trade deal that’ll make you sick” by Nick Dearden. The news article was published in the international edition ‘The Guardian” in April, 2018. This article is about the trade deal made between the UK and USA. The author says that the British nation is already fearful of the chlorinated water-washed…

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Employee Motivation: A Powerful New Model-Article Review Summary

Employee Motivation: A Powerful New Model-Harvard Business Review  Identify: Main Point/ Introduction This article throws light on what drives people to work and how an organization can satisfy these drives to keep them motivated at the workplace. It is accepted wisdom that motivated employees can yield better corporate performance and greater productivity. The authors also present a comprehensive model describing the levers that managers can pull to fulfill these drives…

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Article Review-Corporate responsibility and the movement of business

In this paper, the author has examined the role of both civil society and business actors in mobilizations concerned with CSR, the agenda that has emerged since the 1980s. Basically, the paper conveys that idea of dual movements; regulatory threats, social, political, market pressures associated with civil society and consumer and shareholder activism have pressurized big business to not only respond or react to the CSR efforts but also to…

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Why Strategies Fail- Article Summary

It is always easy to plan and make strategies of their own choices. However, it is much harder to execute them as planned in the hyper-competitive marketplace of the present era. Hence there are many reasons why companies have to face strategy execution failures. Here we take the example of Kodak-a great strategic failure- became guilty of effectively determining its own fateful extinction, or at least, the business dilemmas. It…

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The New Retail supply chain- Article Summary

Article Title: The new retail supply chain. Author: ________________________________________ Publication Name and Date: Reed Business Information, Nov 2006 Relevant BUS 351 Topic: Supply Chain Management. Introduction:             This article deals with the use of emerging technology for the efficient management of supply chain management. The movement of products into the retail outlet occurs in concurrence with the sales of products, ensuring proper availability and movement from the warehouse to the…

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Summary of Article The myth of globalization – Harvard Business Review

The myth of globalization - Harvard Business Review (Article) 1.Q In this article, the writer described globalization and standardization, and adaption of products and services in the international market. He described external and internal barriers that hamper the standardization of products and services, requisite conditions, and underlying assumptions for standardization and global strategy. The first assumption is the homogeneity of consumers’ needs worldwide, which may not hold everywhere as consumers'…

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Article Summary Localization: The Revolution in Consumer Market (HBR)

Article Summary Localization: The Revolution in Consumer Market (Harvard Business Review Article ) Main Point: This article has extensively reviewed how big giants of retailing and consumer goods companies embracing localization and customization and going away from their customization. In fact, the increasing diversity among communities, local competitors, and lack of innovation are forcing big retailers like Wal-Mart, Best Buy, 7-Eleven, etc., to localize to some extent while at the…

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A Brand is forever Article Summary: A Framework for revitalizing a declining

A Brand is forever! A Framework for revitalizing a declining and dead brand (Harvard Business Review Article) Main Point: This article mainly deals with avoiding a brand's decline and revitalizing it after assessing its viability for revival. In fact, this article uses the equity framework to present conditions that lead to declining a brand and then its death and suggest some measures for managers to avoid such declines by timely…

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Mapping Your Competitive Position Article Summary

Main Point: In short, this article shows how companies can continuously track their prices and products’ primary benefits to analyze their competitive position in the hypercompetitive market systematically. To do so, a price-benefit map has been proposed that companies can use to clearly see the relationship between prices and benefits and track how their competitive position change over time. This map presents a company’s products through its customers’ eyes and…

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