Alibaba Goes Global; Singles Day Sales Top $5.9 Billion

Alibaba has launched there one of the major IPO activities and the marketing techniques made them available to exposed to more new opportunities and trends. Highly trendier in the corporate sector, there are various competitors but the fact that allowed them to prevail their trends in the market include how they can go for the structures and measures as compared to just focus on the new and more diverse products or services. They have entered the markets with new ideas and making up strategies like entering the Event and made a Chinese event best sale day in 2014.

They have launched their IPOs two months earlier and enjoying the status of high stock values. Their strategy to locate more traffic on their websites is backed by no pre-orders by the company services. It has ensured that more of the people visit the website that also tags them with more new ideas and events, Alibaba is going to introduce. Marketing is also one of the more efficient measures that are not left beyond or ignored by any of the organizations in today’s world. Alibaba is entering Brazil and Russia through high mode campaigns (Bloomberg, 2014).

They had not maintained their resources but they are also turning the heads of all major resources in form of invest like a financial mode and getting benefits at the end of the financial model. The stock was surged by 75% of the stock that was reported as the beaten-up scores as compared to estimates and recordings. Online advertising, social media, FaceBook, and Videos are being utilized as key tools by Alibaba in Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore to grab over more dynamic markets. It has invested more effort in sustaining its positions and maintaining new avenues at the same time.


Bloomberg. (2014, 11-11-2014). Alibaba Goes Global, Singles Day Sales Top $5.9 Billion. Bloomberg.

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