You are currently viewing AD FOR LILLY’S FASHION

Purpose of Ad for Lilly’s Fashion is to give news to the women who are between the ages of 15 years to 30 years. This ad is also an invitation for the potential customers of fashion wears to register them in the database of Lilly’s Fashion. This registration is helpful for their updating about the new trend in this industry.

Appeals in ad

Ad for Lilly’s Fashion has used emotional and rational appeals to attract customers. One model shows her different pose in this ad which is an ideal for fashion industry ad. All pictures have different types, and styles dress in dark colors. This ad also shows a seasonal offer to the viewers. This ad is very simple and easy to understand. Purpose of these pictures is to get the attention of targeted women.


Ad for Lilly’s Fashion has a clear message for a specific segment to join the database of Lilly’s Fashion. Statement of this ad is at a very prominent place and used light colors on dark background. This color combination is very attractive to viewers. Very simple statement and its purpose and benefit are also mentioned over there. The benefit of their registration in software is to know about the new styles and fashions in the market. This information’s should be float by Lilly’s Fashion. Customers can check the prices as well as the availability status of their choice dress and fashion goods.

Email Message

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The second part of this assignment is to design two types of emails first for existing customers who are not regular purchasers. The message should include promotional offers, price update, availability of new styles of clothes, and provide them special offers. Attach a few pictures of new rivals if possible (Dianoux & Linhart, 2010). The basic purpose of this email is to remind the customers to revisit Lilly’s Fashion outlet for purchasing latest fashion goods.

The second email is for existing customers to wish them on their events like as birthday or any other celebrity. Main contents of this email should be to feel pleasure to wish customers on their precious event. Statements should show that this is an honor for us that we wish you because we are for you and will be available for you. In this email, we should invite our customers to dinner and in a local hotel. This offer is only for those customers who want to celebrate their birthday with Lilly’s Fashion. Impact of this advertisement is to get personal attention which is memorable for customers and a cause of long-term relationship with customers. Customers may also remember you on any type of company’s promotional event and offer.

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