Woman Hollering Creek Summary

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About Book:

Woman hollering creek is the short storybook published by San Antonio in 1991 and based on the Mexican-American writer named Sandra Cisneros.

Woman hollering creek is a powerful narration of destruction of a woman’s dream that told by her consciousness from different days before ill-fated the marriage to Juan Pedro as she escapes the cheating and bullying behavior for returning towards Mexico.


The action takes place in Texas and Seguin and town of the nasty gossips, despair, and dust where it Cleofilas learns community life as she cherished to move north exists. It also built wives for depending on the husbands for the ride and to stay home. The tales place the focus on the social role and relationship that have women and men in their lives. The majority of characters believe in gender stereotypes.

Men symbolize the machismo as the women depicted as gullible and weak. The book author focuses on feminine clichés. The sinful seductress is a passive virgin and it is a traitorous mother. It also focuses on the different issues faced by women.

Story Of The Book:

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Starts in Mexico and Don Serafin gives permission to Juan to marry the daughter and take Cleofilas to the other side across the border. The emotion parting reassures her father never to abandon her and remark remembering for hope and comfort.

By watching films and operas, she learned to wish for the fairy-tale existence. Cleofilas finds drawn to lovely the creek that runs behind the house. Cleofilas happy to watch the telenovelas and she liked the passion and portrayed to imagine to endure feelings. She believed in love and she suffer for the love and she thought that it is best for women to believe and trust in love.

Her Wedding Dress:

Her wedding dress was designed the same as she has seen on the TV. She has good skills at the sewing machine and without the support and advice of her mother, she uses her skills and designed a beautiful wedding dress. She also made a few changes in a dress after completing it.

The creek where she settled after the marriage called the Woman Hollering. She found funny on calling a beautiful place with a sad name that no other thought about it. Her two neighborhood

Dolores and Soledad were good women. Dolores had lost his family at war and her husband also passed away. She usually spent time in the garden by looking at sunflowers. Soledad was the widow and none knew about her husband. Both these women know the reason to call the place creek.

In the Mexican movies, the story narrates by the child narrator that contemplates joy to attend the movies with KiKi and parents and with her younger brother. The father of Kiki gives her quarters for using lobbies.

They also dress them beautifully by out of socks. They also doll and damage in the fire at the toy warehouse.

CleoFilas Illness:

When Juan hit her face then Cleofilas surprised and couldn’t talk to him. She thought that it was all imagination and started thinking of her father’s house and she knew that it would be the disgrace to go back. She also changed the town of the gossips for other town of gossips and every town built that women dependent on husbands.

On Cleofila’s pregnancy with another child, she was bitten by her husband. She agreed with her husband to not tell police for children’s sake. One woman at the hospital noticed marks and she helped Cleofilas. Cleofilas get the drive on Felice’s car and she got scared and drove over a bridge. Felice explained and Cleofilas got amazed and she leaves happily.

The story plots in the book share a different corresponding section and a short narrative about the unnamed narrator and Lucy Anguiano which was her best friend. The vignette also offers a snapshot into the life of the United States for the two girls that are Mexican descent.

The book focuses on freedom which girls have on authority. The second segment of the book contains the short narratives that focus on the adolescent females and different way for self-Worthing the affected tension to remain sincere to Mexico.

He also lies that belongs to the ancient royalty and seduces her and abandons her to return in the attempt for killing her. In the youth, lxchel also desires to romance any man that she loves with the alleged roots of Mexican and to disappoint reality to fall in love with the Mexican-American killer.

Portions Of The Book:

Three stories also contained the book portion and marries Juan Pedro who was not faithful and abuses her wife and leaves her in the isolation. Her depression made her unhealthy and he started losing her interest in him.

Weeping women choose death as a means for escaping the unloving husband. She also chooses life to live independently like the other two women and she was able to leave the abusive life and get back to homeland Mexico.


Never Marry a Mexican is the chicane protagonist of this book that experience the rejection by white lover and who beat her and abuse her even in her pregnancy. She also takes revenge by luring her husband’s naive son in the lover’s role and also makes young man inevitable to pay for his father’s transgressions. The story looks in the life of the female that offers the refection on life and her illegitimate relationship with the Mexican revolutionary.

The end of the story of the book based on the girl as she speaks against her husband and decided to leave him and reveal the failure to revolution and makes evident with unfaithful lover and she failed her marriage and also left the slinging for dreaming more about the love and taking stands for the love because her love disappointed her and changed her life differently.

The novel is on the women who stand for their rights and stand even against their husbands who abuse them and doesn’t give respect to their wives and families.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the story behind Woman Hollering Creek?

What does Woman Hollering Creek mean?

What is the theme of Woman Hollering Creek?

What is the setting for the story Woman Hollering Creek?


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