Student Mental Wellbeing in Higher Education in UK Essay

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Mental illness can be the case at any stage of life. Mental illness can be problematic and can cause at any stage or any place. Still, the case here is that mental illness is a growing issue in many university students today who reside in the UK or study in the UK. This is a major issue for the education ministry in the UK and Europe as the matter is linked to the country’s future. The facilitation and integration are significant in every university department so the student and his mental wellbeing can be made stable and satisfactory. They should circulate notices and policies to all the professors. The stress level and strict regulation and academic requirements of the country are a problem for the students as they get stressed and depressed. This responsibly is on the shoulders of the university and education ministry as they are responsible for creating a healthy learning environment for the students, teachers, and even researchers. This step is needed to reinforce learning rather than memorizing, which is hard of any use. This is a crucial step the universities in the UK need to see and implement as well. The students are at risk of dropping out because of the lack of support and treatment (Broglia, 2018).

The committee also working on this area, and their biggest challenge is to ensure that all the Universities and institutes are found in the guidelines, and they do not create a tense and difficult environment for the students and their supporting and advising all the students so that they do not develop any mental stress on mental illness. The same is requested from the parents and from the processes as who are mostly around the students, and they should also provide therapeutic arrangements to all those students who did get mental illnesses. Different types of programs must be arranged so that the teachers and students can know what is good for them. They can also understand what type of treatment and facility they need to reduce the chances of getting into mental illness, depression, and stress (Stamp, 2016).

Recent research about this states that the mental wellbeing of the students in universities in the UK is a significant part of life and for the university as well. According to the sources and Research, universities have to play a critical role in providing well-being and support to students studying. Many people have developmental issues, and their mental well-being will be negatively affected at the university for different reasons. Over the last few years, the mental well because students have deteriorated significantly, mainly because their environment in the university was challenging to handle. Moreover, half of the students (50.3) % reported thoughts of self-harm in 2019 are twice as high as reported back in 2017 (Weale, 2019). The education is getting tough. This is a major issue for the education ministry in the UK and Europe as the matter is linked to the country’s future. The stress level and strict regulation and academic requirements of the country are a problem for the students as they get stressed and depressed (Kotera, 2019).

Several issues are present that relate to the mental wellbeing of the students in the universities in the United Kingdom, which are not sustained and improved. The major issue is that the senior management and executive teams are not motivated to create a happy and satisfying environment in the university, and they do not work on developing the strategy and do not plan on how to improve and maintain the mental well-being of all the students who are coming in the universities. The facilitation and integration are significant in every university department, and not all universities are working in this area. This is the reason why the student and his mental wellbeing cannot be made stable and satisfactory.

The universities are not making efforts in this area. They are not even circulating notices and policies to all the professors thus;, they cannot take care of the mental wellbeing of the students coming to the university. The students are representing the university, and their mental be well-being must be in the right place. But the policies and procedures are not in line with this consideration that the mental wellbeing of the students does not deteriorate. The students are not allowed to consult different people and the University staff if there is any problem, stress, and depression, or mental disease, or if they will be in any sort of negative mental state. The mental health difficulties can be very problematic, and it starts to formulate in the universities in the UK and but important arrangements are not made which is related to the mental health of the students. Students are not trained and not encouraged to work in areas that can increase mental well-being, such as sports and activity. The university is not providing different activities so that the student’s mental well-being is not getting better and improved. They cannot get over the stress and tension which is coming from academics and research. The university, society, and institutes are not providing therapeutic arrangements to all those students who did get mental illnesses. If the students are studying at the campus or home but are not getting the correct environment in which they can properly study, there is some disturbance in that area (Storrie, 2019).

In short, universities have to play a vital role in providing well-being and support to students studying over there. Many people have developmental issues, and their mental well-being will be negatively affected at the university for different reasons. This responsibility is on the shoulders of the university and education ministry as they are responsible for creating a healthy learning environment for the students, teachers, and even researchers. This step is needed to reinforce learning rather than memorizing (Thorley, 2017).


Broglia, E. M. (2018). Challenges to addressing student mental health in embedded counseling services: a survey of UK higher and further education institutions. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 441-455.

Kotera, Y. C. (2019). The mental health of UK university business students: Relationship with shame, motivation, and self-compassion. Journal of Education for Business, 11-20.

Stamp, E. C. (2016). Relationships between mental toughness and psychological wellbeing in undergraduate students. Personality and Individual Differences, 75, 170-174.

Storrie, K. A. (2019). A systematic review: students with mental health problems—a growing problem. International journal of nursing practice, . 16(1), 1-6.

Thorley, C. (2017). Not By Degrees: Not by degrees: Improving student mental health in the UK’s universities. London: Institute for Public Policy Research.

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