Same Sex Marriage Essay

Same Sex Marriage Essay Introduction

Same-sex marriage is the practice of marriage between people of same-sex. The particulars of same-sex marriage include a legal and social agreement of marriage but only in countries where laws of this social and legal contracts are legalized and made a part of marriage acts, social laws or constitutional amendments.

Some historians refer to this practice as old as the first century. However, the movement to provide legal cover for this practice gained momentum at the beginning of the 21st century. Accordingly, same-sex marriage has been granted the status of a social and legal agreement between two people in many countries across the world (Kowal, 2015).

Soon, after the movement to grant a legal cover to this practice was started, the scholars and historians argued its long-term effects and consequences on society, culture, politics, and religion.

Same-sex marriage is an unnatural phenomenon with severe mental and physical implications. Besides, the practice of having sex with same-gender has negative impacts on culture, society, and religious values.

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Same Sex Marriage Facts

Same-sex marriage is a term most commonly used in developed countries that have already dealt with the plight of a rise in marriage equality movements and the introduction of sodomy laws. Accordingly, several American and European countries have granted the right to same-sex marriage to their people.

The decision to legalize the practice did not come, particularly in the wake of marriage equality. Besides, it also included the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) rights.

Thus, the term ‘LGBT’ served as an umbrella for all disgruntled communities that wanted to live their lives with liberty in their decisions to marry and make relationships (Kowal, 2015). However, the case of lesbians, gays, and bisexuals are different from transgender.

Despite huge differences in natural and physical attributes, the LGBT movement engulfed the European countries and the United States with a strong provocation to grant them the legal rights to marriage. Accordingly, almost 29 countries in the world have legalized gay and lesbian marriages.

In this regard, the Netherlands was the first country to legalize gay marriage in 2000 (David Masci, 2019). The other European countries followed the footsteps of the Netherlands by amending their marriage laws and acts to recognize the rights of homosexuals.

Meaning Of Same Sex Marriage

The basis for a same-sex marriage belongs to homosexuality which was on rising in medieval Europe. However, some historians disputed this claim by recognizing the practice in the late 20th century, which was observed as a period of growth of homosexuality.

Accordingly, some eastern European countries also liberalized laws to recognize this practice. Besides, some areas in the United States also embraced this change as a part of their liberal attitudes and thoughts towards politics, society, and culture. Thus, homosexuality is mostly observed under liberal domains.

However, the debate about legalizing homosexuality and same-sex marriage outraged several spheres and groups in different communities and societies across the world. Accordingly, various rights groups and activists published same-sex marriage opinion essays to raise the voice of LGBT communities for their rights (Kowal, 2015).

The debate gets attention after the media outlets strengthened their perspectives and started highlighting the issues of marginalized communities.

However, the approval of this concept was opposed through religious, social, cultural, and health perspectives. Alternatively, the opponents of same-sex marriage were considered brutal, and their real concerns vanished under the wake of liberal concepts and ideas to grant rights to every group and community of a society.

There is still a lack of a cogent argument or concept which favors same-sex marriage as the only reason cited by people who support this argument is love and freedom of choice (, 2019).

However, these reasons cannot lay the basis for same-sex marriage practices because this issue affects several domains and dynamics of life.

The most common aspects and perspectives that are considered for same-sex marriage include society, culture, politics, religion, and public health. Nevertheless, these domains have widespread effects if they are disturbed or change without any reason.

Thus, this same-sex marriage synthesis essay discusses the issue of same-sex marriage from several perspectives to ascertain the ground realities which do not make it feasible for people of the same sexes to get married or make sexual relationships.

Why is same-sex marriage an issue?

Same-sex marriage is considered unorthodox in several countries, particularly in Asian, Middle East, and Africa. Besides, Russia is also a strong opponent of this practice. Every community, nation, and region has different opinions, rules, and regulations that define sexual relationships.

These rules are mostly derived from historical, religious, societal, and cultural perspectives. Accordingly, every nation follows defined principles which are also a reflection of public opinion. Before, 21st century, when the issue of same-sex marriage did not gain momentum, several countries had observed violence and brutality in the name of sexual relationships between the same genders (Kowal, 2015).

Therefore, same-sex marriage was disallowed even if there were no defined laws to ascertain the jurisdictions of courts and police to criminalize the matter.

The reasons were obvious, and people did not want to give way to a different concept of sexual relationship based on unnatural practices. However, the tables turned after the prevalence of democracy and the initiation of liberal movements in developed countries.

Thus, the role of democracy in a same-sex marriage is particularly highlighted because democracy gives way to public opinion and freedom of choice. However, the LGBT movement gained momentum with protests and activism (Karp, 2017).

Accordingly, public opinion gradually changed, and people became more tolerant of this issue to maintain their liberal opinions. Nevertheless, they never differentiated between liberalism and freedom of rights in particular domains.

On the other hand, the opponents of same-sex marriage also observed protests and show of power to pressurize the government for not changing the marriage acts. Thus, the political side of this issue was highlighted back in 2005 when several leaders mentioned it in their speeches.

On the other hand, the various societies were also intolerant toward these issues. Their concerns were based on the growth and development of society under the shadow of unnatural practices (Karp, 2017).

Besides, they were also concerned about social values which were devastated with the introduction of same-sex marriage laws.

Besides, the religious instructions, values, and codes of life do not allow people to indulge in practices that are against their religious beliefs or not permitted by God. Additionally, the cultural values of different regions consider same-sex relationships a shameful and punishable act.

Thus, the issue of same-sex marriage is based on arguments that are attached to society, culture, religion, politics, and health.

In this regard, the public health perspective is highly regarded as several nations are also concerned about the sexually transmitted diseases (STMs) transferred through sexual relationships between people of the same gender or sex (, 2019).

Religious implications of the same-sex marriage issue

The same-sex marriage issue is on the rise, and everyone is talking about it because it has interfered with religious values and instructions of several nations, communities, and groups. In this regard, a strong opposition can be observed in Islamic societies which do not have any space for same-sex marriages.

Islam is a religion deeply rooted in Muslim countries and societies. It is based on the oneness of God, and the teachings of God are a code of life for Muslims.

There is strong evidence in Islamic books under which same-sex marriages are clearly defined as against the teachings of God. Thus, the recent wave of same-sex marriages and liberalism contradicts with Islamic values (Akyol, 2015).

Besides, Islam also proves same-sex marriage unnatural and bad practice through evidence which includes the revelations of God in which men and women can marry as life partners. On the other hand, the orthodox and evangelical Christians also oppose this practice (Alkousaa, 2017).

However, some liberals in Christian societies approve same-sex marriage. Thus, the division of communities based on this issue is devastating the social and religious fabric in several countries. Besides, adopting this practice is more like going against God’s will.

Thus, the legalization and support for same-sex marriages are provocative and harmful for the society considering the religious point of view and prohibition of this practice.

 Source: (

Same Sex Marriage Conclusion

The growth and development of a society depend on the upbringings of newer generations and the continuity of the human race. For this purpose, people of the opposite sex (men and women) get married to give birth to children for the continuity of the human race.

However, the medical complications and the inability of the same sexes to give birth to a child are harmful to society. The inability to give birth to children also proves that same-sex marriage is unnatural.

Thus, these practices impact the minds of young people who do not involve in such practices, but eventually, they are provoked to consider their desires and show a tilt towards the same gender.

The introduction of these bad practices is tarnishing the social fabric, which is a vital ingredient to promote the growth and development of the human race.

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