Reciprocal determinism Essay

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Reciprocal determinism is a common word in psychology and sociology, and the doctors and psychologists usually use this term very frequently. This is a critical topic of human existence, and many people talk about it. It is essential, and we know about it so we can carry ourselves as per this aspect. The kids and growing people should also be aware of it so they can cover any issues and problems related to this- reciprocal determinism. Failing to understand the matter of reciprocal determinism can cause serious issues and problems and cause serious hindrances, lacking, and drags (Bandura, A. 2018).

3 Factors of Reciprocal determinism

According to psychologist Albert Bandura, reciprocal determinism is a model composed of three factors that influence behavior- the environment, the individual, and the behavior itself. Human behavior is the most complicated thing to observe and study. The response varies from one person to another. This behavior includes everything, how we talk, walk, eat, treat others, reacting to different situations, and go around in society. This behavior is different for every person on this planet earth. The behavior is the part of psychology, and psychologists are trying to study human behavior for centuries, and they were not able to consider is complete. There are some theories. These theories talk about the behavior and try to understand the behavior, but still, they are not complete or visible. There are loopholes, and a lot can be done even now in this field and area (Williams & Williams, 2010).

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The behavior is affected by the environment for sure. The society we live in and the culture that we follow affects us directly. People get affected by their surroundings and social activities as well. The environment is not just limited to the society, even the home and friends and college also affects the behavior. The overall economic condition and climate and global outlook also affect the behavior. The mood and thought process is also influenced by the environment (Baranowski, 2013).

The second tool that affects behavior is the Person itself. The traits, character, belief, choices, thoughts, ideas, preferences, norms, and ideology of the person change his behavior. The issue here is that a reasonable person is acting on his thoughts and ideas so he will do good deeds. Similarly, a lousy per is also acting on his thoughts and ideas, so he will do bad deeds. Such as the behavior of the thief and the behavior of the noble person is affected by his character and principals too. The behavior itself is an important tool in determining the behavior of the person in the future. True behavior is influenced by past behavior, as well (Sims, 2014).

According to this theory, an individual’s behavior influences and is influenced by both the social world and personal characteristics. This model suggests that these three components are continually interacting with one another. Just as the environment exerts an influence on individual behavior, a person’s actions also play a part in influencing the environment. Behavior is in isolation is nothing. The behavior is shaped by the different elements, and only then the person reacts in a certain way. The behavior s people is just like the habit, which develops over the years. The behavior a habit is not developed over one night or is not shaped by only one factor. It is shaped by some factors, tools, and elements. So the complication related to behavior and the study of behavior is vast and huge, and it takes great concentration to understand it (Bandura, 2014).

Earlier thought often portrayed children as simply passive recipients of environmental influences, which suggested that they could be shaped and molded in whatever way that parents, educators, and other caregivers chose. The theory is mainly designed to develop the behavior of kids and adults. The behavior can be shaped at an early stage of life as by that time, it is not remarkably intact or strengthened. The behavior of the person is critical, and it is important that schools and parents monitor and the behavior of the kids properly. This is important for the child too that his upbringing is modest and well thought, so when he grows up he shows good behavior and manners to society (Bandura, 2014).

The conclusion is that Reciprocal determinism is a common word in psychology and sociology, and the doctors and psychologists usually use this term very frequently. To sum up, failing to understand the matter of reciprocal determinism can cause serious issues and problems and cause serious hindrances, lacking, and drags. This concludes that human behavior is the most complicated thing to observe and study. The behavior varies from one person to another. This behavior includes everything, how we talk, walk, eat, treat others, reacting to different situations, and go around in society. This behavior is different for every person on this planet earth. In short, the community we live in and the culture that we follow affects us directly. People get affected by their surroundings and social activities as well. The environment is not just limited to the society, even the home and friends and college also affects the behavior.

Moreover, The traits, character, belief, choices, thoughts, ideas, preferences, norms, and ideology of the person affect his behavior. The issue here is that a reasonable person is acting on his thoughts and ideas so he will do good deeds. Thus, True behavior is influenced by past behavior, as well. This concludes that an individual’s behavior influences and is influenced by both the social world and personal characteristics. This model suggests that these three components are continually interacting with one another. Just as the environment exerts an influence on individual behavior, a person’s actions also play a part in influencing the environment. In short, the behavior a habit is not developed over one night or is not shaped by just one factor. It is formed by some factors, tools, and elements. The basic implication of the theory is that the behavior can be shaped at the early stage of life as, by that time, it is not remarkably intact or strengthened (Sims, 2014).


Bandura, A. (2018). The self-system in reciprocal determinism. American Psychologist33(4), 344.

Williams, T., & Williams, K. (2010). Self-efficacy and performance in mathematics: Reciprocal determinism in 33 nations. Journal of Educational Psychology102(2), 453.

Baranowski, T., Domel, S., Gould, R., Baranowski, J., Leonard, S., Treiber, F., & Mullis, R. (2013). Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption among 4th and 5th-grade students: results from focus groups using reciprocal determinism. Journal of Nutrition Education25(3), 114-120.

Sims, H. P., & Manz, C. C. (2014). Observing leader behavior: Toward reciprocal determinism in leadership theory. Journal of Applied Psychology69(2), 222.

Bandura, A. (2013). Temporal dynamics and decomposition of reciprocal determinism: A reply to Phillips and Orton.

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