Persuasive Essay-Donald Trump: The Messiah of Ordinary Americans

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Donald Trump is the face of “Let’s Make America Great Again”, an American Dream which continues to flame the hope and aspirations of working-class Americans who have not been heard in ages.

With only a month left in final elections, the 2016 presidential race in the United States is coming to its closure. The 2016 Presidential Race has witnessed some unusual things for the American political landscape, and Donald Trump is one of the biggest wonders. As a Rookie in American Politics, Trump has gathered a large number of supporters and fans who continue to show up at rallies and debates with the same zeal and fervor. Donald Trump has offered a unique platform to its supporters with a brand new vision for America and Americans, and it continues to spark support and controversy at the same time. Even though Trump has to face a lot of backlash from the Republican party and Republican Supporters; his conservative ideas are even awakening the voters who were aloof from politics for a long time. It is time for the Americans to see the other side of the picture, to witness a revival of the American dream.

persuasive essay-donald trump

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Donald Trump is a real estate businessman, personifying the very American success story it is fighting for. As an entrepreneur and businessman, Trump has created thousands of the jobs for American and has contributed to the tax money. Graduating from Wharton School of Finance, Trump is an excellent author and Business analyst. As an author, Trump has written fifteen of the bestselling books and his ‘Art of Deal’ still dominates business canvas from the time it was first published. As a Republican, Trump participated in the 2014 Presidential campaign and raised a significant amount of funds for Republican candidates. Unlike the other Presidential candidates, Trump is not an ally of lobbyists that can influence his agenda and position in the Presidential debate.


Donald Trump has long been working for the rights of ordinary Americans and the revival of American Dreams. His tax reforms, healthcare reforms, immigration reforms, and childcare reforms all point to a single agenda that taxpayers’ money is not a freebie. Donald Trump is fighting for the right of taxpayers, the young working Americans to control what happens with their tax money. Instead of snatching the money from taxpayers and distributing it to the ones who do not struggle for success, Donald Trump wants to create an America where people are rewarded for their struggles. Trump points out the failure of Obama-Clinton’s economic policy and tax system in creating job growth and flourishing economy due to excessive regulation and taxation. Donald Trump supports free trade and free economy under which there is tremendous job growth, giving the country a competitive advantage over emerging economies. According to the New York Post editorial, “Trump is now an imperfect messenger carrying a vital message. But he reflects the best of ‘New York values’ — and offers the best hope for all Americans who rightly feel betrayed by the political class.”

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Donald Trump, by setting his legacy inspires all of the Americans to do great and to do better than before. Instead of assuring Americans of a freebie ticket, he inspires them to find their path to success with low tax barriers and more opportunities through economic growth. Even though Trump’s language and rhetoric are different than the mainstream political oratory, but his message is simple and strong. Donald Trump is the hope for millions of Americans who work for American success.


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