Internet Café Business Case

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Internet Café market opportunity

Internet café is not like the typical and traditional cafes. The Internet Café offers a unique source of entertainment and communication using forums on the internet. This business case provides an opportunity to tap the increasing marketplace on the internet.

The popularity of the internet-based marketplace has grown at an exponential rate in the past few years. It has become easier and affordable to access a very large proportion of the world. The Internet Café will offer a comfortable environment for people to have a cup of coffee and share their internet experiences.

The Internet Café will also provide its customers with basic information about the internet and what changes the internet can bring in the community. This café will target people of all ages and backgrounds so that they can enjoy an innovative, educational, upscale, and unique environment.

Target Audience for the Business Case and the Value of the Business Case to the Target Audience

The target market of the Internet Café includes people who are looking for guidance regarding access to the internet and how the internet can improve their personal lives and the entire community. Inexperienced users are not the only target market for Internet Café Business.

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Internet Café will target the experienced internet users who are willing to indulge their experiences in a social setting. In addition to these target markets, Internet Café will also focus on traveling and local business professionals who can use the services offered by Internet Café to check their emails and work in a comfortable and friendly environment.

Therefore, the target markets of this Internet Café include the Baby Boomers as well as the people of Generation X. The people of Generation X have a lot of information about the internet but the Baby Boomers are still learning about the wonders of the internet.


The café will provide a comfortable environment for all the market segments to make their valuable experience enjoyable. They will be able to learn about the internet and share their internet experience. In addition, they will be able to check their emails and they will be able to work in a comfortable environment of café.

Plan for long growth

In order to achieve high growth and to maintain a position in the internet café market, it is essential that the business offer more efficient service to the users because of high competition in the market.

For this firstly they have to analyze the trends in the market and the demand of the users and the competitor’s services after that they have to analyze their internal strengths and design effective strategies and offer the unique facilities at a reasonable cost.

They also have to make an investment in the marketing of their business to attract more users. By all these efforts they become to achieve high success in this competitive market.

Value of the Internet Café case topic to the Writer

This project is very valuable for me because it will help me to understand the dynamics of a small business venture. I have studied a lot of concepts in my book about business and I will be able to implement these concepts in a business venture.

For example, entrepreneurship is one of the most important concepts which we have discussed in our book. It is a small business venture which is based on an entrepreneurial idea.

I want to start this business as an entrepreneurial venture so that I can become aware of the opportunities and the challenges which an entrepreneur experiences in the business environment.

It helps me in understanding the fact that how small businesses start their operation and how they maintain their growth and success in the complex and competitive business world.

This project is also valuable for me because I will be able to implement some other concepts which I have studied in other courses. For example, while developing a marketing plan for this project, I will be able to implement different concepts of marketing.

I will be developing a selling strategy, promotional strategy, and marketing mix for my business. All of these are very important concepts. I will be developing the financial plan as well which I have studied in a different course. I will be conducting a feasibility analysis, projected financial statements, and breakeven analysis, etc.


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