Introduction to Saunders research onions
The research onion is a popular phenomenon in concept which was developed by the researchers.
This research onion has several stages and phases involved in this, and the concept is helpful in the research work and Research Development. Moreover, Research is known as onion because it has many layers, just like the vegetable onion.
In other words, the name gives a more detailed analysis and description of all the phases of the research process, which is involved in theoretical research.
So whenever the researcher is working on a topic, and he has to work on research, then there are a lot of things that have to be done. So all this task is incorporated in different stages, and their port research has some steps and procedures, or we can say that it has layers.
So an effective research methodology that is designed must include the number of layers and stages which can help the researcher is working on the research, and it is producing significant research as well.
The researcher who developed the onion research methodology came up with this idea that the research onion has to go from an outer layer to the inner layer, and this is the reason why this concept involves a lot of layers and stages (Nevins, 2018).
Saunders stated that each layer of the onion has an association, and they define the research process in a particular way. Therefore each and every segment is important, and it will add more details to the research topic.
The research process was very important for him, and therefore, he has used the idea of onion research to emphasize the research process, which is essential for the researcher.
The research process will become evident when the layers are being completed and performed with accuracy, and each and every stage has been completed successfully.
The inner layers are to be seen from the outside, and they all must be completed side by side and simultaneously. The outer layer must be unwrapped forest, and then they will have to work on the inner layers.
This means that the research has to work on the scope and overall idea in the hypothesis, and only then can he develop the secondary questions and methodology and the software that might be useful for the research.
In order to achieve the goals and objectives and AIMS associated with research, the right step must be taken; therefore, the correct method has to be used for the research so that it can be completed successfully (Xu, 2018).
The Layers of the Saunders research onions
There are many layers involved in this research, and these players come from the outer layer to the inner layer.
The outermost layer is the layer of the research philosophy, which explains the overall idea of the research and why the particular topic is has been selected to conduct research.
The research philosophy is the belief and ideology of the research who is conducting research and what is the strategy which is being adopted.
The second stage is the research approach, while the third stage is the strategy for conducting the research. All these are significant, and the fourth one is about the time Horizon and scope and deadlines.
The research approach explains how the research is going to go forward and how it is going to be done, such as how the data will be collected and what type of research it is.
The research strategy the researcher has to decide what type of tools and medium he is going to work on and how he is planning to conduct the research effectively.
The time Horizon explains when the research will be completed in what are the time allocated for each and every stage, such as what is the time period and deadline for data collection (Saunders, 2015).
Philosophy to Saunders research onions
The research philosophy is all about the belief and nature, which is going to dominate the research and idea for the research philosophy explain the definition and nature of knowledge of the researcher.
It works on the goals and objectives of the researcher, which he wants to achieve through the work. Research philosophy is essential for the achievement of goals and objectives.
The research philosophy is different from one-pieces to another, and it’s just it is defined by the type of knowledge we investigated and what type of project it is how long it’s going to take to be completed.
There are three different types of philosophies that are very important in the research process (Shock).
Ontology: ontology is more or less the study of reality. It describes the nature of reality, what comes to mind when conducting the research, and what relational impact does it possess on society and surroundings.
This is the difference between reality and what we perceive as Real-world. It looks at the influences and Behavior of people and how they differ from the actual behaviour and the observed behaviour.
According to the researcher, the reality actually is the effect of the environment in which we live, so the external factors are critical in this type of research philosophy.
The objectives of this type of research must be to find the real reason for the perceived perception and behaviour. This is a very common research philosophy, and there are millions of study which are being done on this philosophy because it is a very concrete and practical form of data collection and sends
Epistemology: This is another very important for Speed, which is based on the scientific research methodology.
This type of philosophy is useful when the Research question is very technical and scientific and requires special treatment.
This is helpful when the researcher is finding the information that will be useful in clearing a doubt or confusion.
Or we can say that it’s a common acceptable knowledge which is adopted by the researcher so that they can find the difference between the facts and Ms.
This type of philosophy they have to define the research question and the methodology, and they need to see what kind of scientific methods are going to use to support it.
The research method is based on testing, which requires a controlled environment and deception as well.
However, when it comes to earth X, this type of research philosophy is acceptable and approved because, In the end, the researcher is responsible for debriefing the participants and clear their confusion.
Research philosophy is not harmful in any way, even if it is using scientific methods. This type of research looks at all those questions that can be tested, and after the test, the results can be generally accepted as well to the people.
Axiology: This philosophy helps the researcher to learn the values and opinions that are otherwise difficult to comprehend.
This philosophy works on the collection of data and analysis on which the research conclusions and analysis has been built.
This type of philosophy is used to help researchers understand the impact that people have on opinions and views.
This is the method which involves the collection and analysis of the research and the data which is collected for the study.
This research helps people understand that the opinion and views matter more than any other thing when the study is being conducted.
So this philosophy is based on the assumption that the opinion of the people and their intuition is critical.
Approach to Saunders research onion
Deductive and inductive are the two terms that the second layer of the research onion includes. Here, the previous layer of the onion has an effect on this one, so it is vital to know the research aim and its limitations (Saunders M. L., 2007).
Strategies to Saunders research onions
The research strategy describes how the researcher intends to carry out the work (Saunders et al., 2007).
The strategy can include a number of different approaches, such as experimental research, action research, case study research, interviews, surveys, or a systematic literature review.
There are different ways and strategies, such as the most commonly known strategy is the experimental tool.
In this strategy, the researcher gathers the data through scientific experiments that are conducted in a very controlled environment; however, it gives effective and targeted results, which is very helpful.
There is very little time which is wasted in this type of research because it is very controlled and effective.
The second type of strategy is the survey and interview in which the questionnaires are used for the data collected from different participants.
There are different types of services, such as the one that can be done online or those types of services that are conducted in the fields through interviews or observations.
The third type of study is known as a case study or longitudinal studies. In this type of research, researchers take a lot of time and in many cases.
They spend decades on understanding the issue or question or problem, and this type of research is conducted for a very long period of time, and that is why they are known as case studies.
The choice to Saunders research onions
This is another layer of the onion Research, and it is important because this type of layer determines what kind of research methods are going to be used in the conducting of research.
The research strategy explains that the Researcher uses quantitative and qualitative methods for both. These two methods are different from one another and can be used in isolation or in combination as well.
According to the researcher’s discretion of the researcher, how he wants to go ahead, and what type of topic has been selected.
There are a few topics that will not ask for quantitative methods, or there are few methods that will not ask for the qualitative methods. So the choice of method will vary from the question to question.
Moreover, there are few types of research that will use both methods because they are very comprehensive and complicated, and therefore, quantitative and qualitative methods are used together to support the research (Sahay, 2016).
Time Horizon to Saunders research onions
The time horizon describes the required time for the completion of the project work. Two types of time horizons are specified within the research onion: the cross-sectional and the longitudinal (Bryman, 2012).
This type of study is known as a case study or longitudinal studies. In this type of research, researchers take a lot of time and in many cases.
They spend decades on understanding the issue or question or problem, and this type of research is conducted for a very long period of time, and that is why they are known as longitudinal.
The time Horizon explains when the research will be completed in what are the time allocated for each and every stage, such as what is the time period and deadline for data collection (Gog, 2015).
Analysis and Data collection
This is the sixth and last layer of the research onion; it is the innermost layer of the Saunders research onion. The process used at this stage of the research contributes significantly to the study’s overall reliability and validity (Saunders et al., 2007).
Data collection and analysis is dependent on the methodological approach used (Bryman, 2012). Once the data has been collected through a survey or questionnaire, and the literature review has been constructed, then the researcher has to analyses the data.
The quantitative data is analyzed through statistical software and through mathematical software as well in their different types of calculations that are done in order to develop a conclusion through the quantitative data.
So this is an integral part of the analysis and discussion (Mayer, 2016).
Once everything is completed, and the methodology is also done, then the analysis part his reached.
The analysis is the sixth layer of the research onion, and it is the most important there because this forms the ending of the research other than a conclusion.
The analysis is included in the data collection and the source of data along with Research Design, sample, sample size, reliability and validity, Data Collection, primary data, and secondary data in the sector so.
This there covers everything in a very holistic manner and completes the research at the end (Sahay, 2016).
In conclusion, this Research is known as onion because it has a number of layers, just like the vegetable onion.
In other words, the name gives a more detailed analysis and description of all the phases of the research process, which is involved in theoretical research.
So whenever the researcher is working on a topic, and he has to work on research, then there are a lot of things that have to be done.
So all this task is incorporated in different stages, and their port research has a number of steps and procedures, or we can say that it has layers. Therefore each and every segment is important, and it will add more details to the research topic.
The research process was very important for him, and therefore, he has used the idea of onion research to emphasize the research process, which is important for the researcher.
The research process will become evident when the layers are being completed and performed with accuracy, and each and every stage has been completed successfully.
In short, the outer layer must be unwrapped forest, and then they will have to work on the inner layers.
This means that the research has to work on the scope and overall idea in the hypothesis, and only then can he develop the secondary questions and methodology and the software that might be useful for the research.
The summary is that there are many layers involved in this research, and these players come from the outer layer to the inner layer.
The outermost layer is the layer of the research philosophy, which explains the overall idea of the research and why the particular topic is has been selected to conduct research.
The research philosophy is the belief and ideology of the research who is conducting research. Furth more, Research philosophy is essential for the achievement of goals and objectives.
The research philosophy is different from one-pieces to another, and it’s just it is defined by the type of knowledge we investigated and what type of project it is how long it’s going to take to be completed.
Moreover, there are different ways and strategies, such as the most commonly known strategy is the experimental tool.
In conclusion, the research strategy explains that the Researcher uses quantitative and qualitative methods for both. These two methods are different from one another and can be used in isolation or in combination as well.
According to the researcher’s discretion of the researcher, how he wants to go ahead, and what type of topic has been selected.