Influence processes: leadership in organizations

 Leadership in an organization:

How do leaders play a role in changing their organization? This is the question that comes to mind when we talk about the leader’s role in any organization. It is also important to know about leadership. This is a process by which a person persuades others to achieve an objective and also directs the organization in a way that makes it more consistent and articulate. We can also describe it as a process whereby an individual to achieve a goal influences a group of individuals.

Many things are related to the success of a great leader, which may also involve his followers, the way of his communication, and his reaction in different situations. First, the leader should know what he is going to do and what he can do. The success of the leader is directly related to the success of his followers. It means he has to work for the success of his followers as well. Under his leadership, he has to face different people with different attitudes, different understanding levels, and mindsets. For achieving a common goal, different people need different treatment, which is a matter of great concern to a leader of an organization. For example, an employee who is upset in his personal life needs a greater amount of attention rather an employee who is fully satisfied in his life.

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It is the responsibility of a leader to take care of his employees to get the desired result. So a leader should have a good understanding of human nature. The other thing is that a leader should be very active every time because people will often follow him. He set the example for others, and when he does things with perfection, he can ask his employees to perform in that way.

The influence of a leader towards an organization:

Employees’ satisfaction can be observed by finding out how much assurance or trust they have in their leaders. To win the confidence of his employees, a leader needs to be personally aware of his employees. Then he needs to help the employees to understand the overall business strategy of the organization. The leader has to tell them how they can contribute to achieving these objectives and how much they are important to the organization; this gives employees a lot more confidence and thinks of themselves as a part of the organization.

When we talk about direct decisions, leaders have the ability to shape the alternatives available. Vision and mission are the two variables that affect the organization’s culture by evidently focusing on what the organization thinks important and valuable. As leaders have a direct relationship with management, when they affect the vision and mission of an organization, it plays a big role in determining strategy, stating decision making, and setting the climate or structure of the organization. Although the abilities or skills are of great importance, nothing can be done if your followers are not motivated or are not capable of that. Here is an example that a person who is full of skill in sales is unable to sell his single product in a day. The reason may be that buyers are not willing to buy. The other situation is that the seller with poor techniques can make a lot of sales in a day; here, buyers who are willing can be the reason for a lot of sales.

It is important that leaders give an equal opportunity to all the employees of an organization because sometimes there is a political behavior is involved in which a particular person or persons are given more importance. This can be harmful for the organization where favoritism comes and leave a bad impression on the remaining employee’s motivation.

When we talk about a leader’s power, it means the ability or capacity to influence his subordinates. Positive outcomes can be produced by using this power skillfully. Leaders have different types of powers. One is the position of power, which is based on the level or rank within the organization. Second is personal power, which is dependent solely on his individual behavior. The leaders, who can influence the behaviors of others without having relied on force, are accepted by the people as real leaders. A leader uses different ways to influence his subordinates, like giving a reward, legitimate power, coercive power, and referent power. Reward power is all about motivating employees by giving them rewards for their best performance, which really motivates them and force them to take more rewards by giving more attention to their work. In coercive power, people are forced through different ways to perform the work, which may involve emotional or physical threat. The referent power is one that adds to someone based on replication, identification, and loyalty. Leaders have many influence processes that affect their organizations, whether it is a straight decision, rewards, role modeling, or the distribution of resources. Leaders essentially create a mirror image of their own personal way, preferences, values, and practice by using these processes.


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