Essay: The Children Act 2004 Analysis

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Summary of The Children Act 2004

The Children Act 2004 is the Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom. It was introduced in 1989. In 2000 after the death of the 8-year-old Climbie, this act was created.

Lord Laming asked the Government for the investigation to reveal if new guidance and regulation were required for developing the security of the child system is present in England. This is Act whose purpose is to address the concerns about children’s protection.

The motivation to establish this Act relates to young children cases in which the majority of them involve abuse against those children. Many people also felt that provisions of the 1989 act were failed, which involved children’s protection.

Children’s Protection

This Act created a Commissioner of children by putting it in the place of services given for and to young children along with other youth through the local authorities. The purpose of the Children Act 2004 was to make on past legislation in 1989 and possibilities because of the effective protection of the child.

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The murder of Victoria Climbie was too young and was abused by guardians in London. Media and the public highlighted that case. The act provides effective and better protection in establishing the Every Child Matters program.

Every Child Matters launched in 2003 and purpose is to ensure that children, regardless of social or financial background, can achieve the full potential of life. The Children Act put a legal framework that gives great efficiency in organizations that are charged with young children protection (Reid, 2010).

This Act is based on the interests of young children that are paramount for considerations of security and welfare of children pf young age is very important. Children Act gives legislative spine to a wider strategy to improve the lives of children.

It was created to help the abolition of economic and poverty difficulties that occurred through disadvantaged children and whose family are monetary leave to deprived through making that difference between the age of children.

Children’s Health and Safety

Safeguarding is a broadcasting sense that can be achieved by improving the wide range of young people and children, including education, development, health, and safety circumstances. It is sustained and delivered when people work together to deliver and design integrated services by needy children.

This Act covers the universal services that every young child accesses and targets the services for additional needs. Between the years 1996 to 2001, children that were obese have the age between 6 to 15 increases by 4%. In 2001, young pregnancy rates were lower.

But in Europe, the UK has teenage pregnancies more than other countries. The report was published in 2002 by the World Health Organization according to which the UK had the least rate of suicide cases as compared to other countries.

Achieving Goals

The Children Act was created to set different goals. The primary objectives were to provide help and make boundaries for the local authorities and better legal official intervention for the children.

Victoria’s case highlighted the extent by which little cooperation was present between agencies in child protection terms. It was realized that the number of agencies and organizations could play a role in child protection.

Every Children Matter brought about different changes to a way by which child protection operates by serious problems. Some various agencies work differently to understand the situation like a social worker.

The government has attempted foe enact the system by agencies that are involved in children’s work by collaboration for achieving better protection levels.

This act’s goal is to make the UK safer and better for children, and the idea behind the act is to improve and promote the protection of children of young age (Sum, 2016).

Children’s Act supplemented the 1989 Act and this Act reinforced message which organizations work with children, and it has the duty to provide safeguard and for promoting children’s welfare. The welfare of children is very paramount when it comes to making decisions about child upbringing.

The effort was made to make a strong link between family and children at home. The children’s need also defined in the Act, and they must maintain and achieve satisfactory development or health level. The Act caters for disabled children also.

Local authorities have the responsibility under this act to collaborate for facilities to the children in need to keep the aid of the safety of a child. The motivation to establish this Act relates to young children cases in which the majority of them involve abuse against those children.

Responsibility of Children’s act

After child death, the review conducted through Lord Laming that was suggested to deal with children needs for proper training and for detecting issue by which social workers cab safeguard children in a better way under the responsibility.

This Act gives a robust new approach to service the children, but it is not sufficient for it. The application of this act is part of the great progression of concentrating and transformation on the results through packages of local change in different regions of Local Authority in the national structure.

The Act is present for helping the families to live together and ensure that their child is cared for by patents and placed in alternative care. Every Child Matters is the UK government that is initiative for Wales and England launched in 2003 in response to the death of Climbie.

The Green Paper gives changes in legislation and policy in England for maximizing different opportunities for young people (Reid, 2010).

Children’s Act 2004 makes provision to clarify registration of minders of child and providers for daycare. The provisions to give for extension of intervention powers and to strengthen existing arrangements for the private fostering with the reserve power for the introduction of the registration scheme that should be effective.

To restrict grounds by which battery pf child stays justified and reasonable and to allow the grants for paying across the range of children, families, and young people.

The responsibility of the Act is to define all duties, rights, authority, and rights by which law is the parent of the child and has a relation to the child and all property. The reports are provided to the local authority that can help parents and families to know the welfare of their child.

Children Act is essential, and nothing can be much necessary than the welfare of children. It is carers and parents that are responsible for the care of children, working with agencies and organizations and local authorities have duties to promote and safeguard the welfare of all children in different areas.


There are many advantages and disadvantages of The Children Act 2004. Young children can expose their views and share their ideas, and that listened to them for considering it. All guardians have the responsibility to protect their children from evil eyes.

Local authorities need to work in partnership with the guardians of children. Children should have a right to deal with others and express their feelings. Children cannot do things differently and make arrangements for them without listening to them.

The Act has all the details about circumstances by which children can take in care, and it is clear that actions need to be taken as last resort. The act can protect children from harm and abuse, and it covers under 18 years old young people and children. It provides support to keep the families together (Sue, 2009).


The disadvantages include that accountability is present in the social workers that are involved in many different cases. Social workers for care usually do not make it compulsory for accounting by others and outside the department of security.

All court cases usually involved the protection of the child and heard privately with no public security or any procedures. Children that are considered to be better enough at the age of 10 to held accountable that is decreasing all crimes.

Reason to create the Act

The Children Act is created to promote and protect the rights of the child located in England, and it promotes the awareness of interests and views of children. It investigates the effectiveness and availability of the complaints processes related to children.

It is specially made for disabled children. It gave good and safe support to children and helped them to achieve their dreams without facing any danger and fear of anything.

This Act gives a legal achievement for dealing with social and other agencies’ problems that relate to young children. The act was designed to allow the children to be much healthier, and the principles of this act for support of children include that it will enable young children to be safe in environments.

This Act also allows to assist children in the quest for success and to protect the children and increase the movement of enjoyment in their life and also help to achieve the economic stability for the future of their young children.

The act also helps to start the contribution positive contribution, which is required for living the lives of young children in the best ways without any fear. This approach is centered on providing security to young people and children after the death of a young girl.

It is mainly established to protect children from any harm, whether it is physical or mental torture. It covers improving the local working to promote and safeguard the children’s welfare.


Reid, K. (2010). The Implications of Every Child Matters and the Children Act for Schools. Pastoral Care in Education.

Sue, P. (2009). he Children Act 2004: Child Protection and Social Surveillance. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 27(2), 143-157.

Sum, N.-L. (2016). Care of Children Act 2004.

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