Essay about Judeth Sargent Murray in American Literature.

Judith Sargent Murray in American Literature

Judith Sargent Murray was an American advocate for women’ rights. He was also a poet, play writer, letter writer and essay writer. She had died at the age of 69 in 1820. She was an American proponent who gave equality ideas without any sex’s difference that like men, women had the capability of an intellectual accomplishment to achieve economic independence. She worked in American literature, “On the Equality of the Sexes” was her essay that paved ways for the new ideas and thoughts proposed by some other feminist authors. Therefore, the major purpose of this paper is to focus on Murrays’ literary works, while observing Murray’s feminist point of view, especially, as part of this short analysis of Murray in American literature.

Murray did struggle to create and define American Literature. The students examine her subject choice in her essays and play “The Contrast.” She also wrote a novel named “The Story of Margaretta.” Her novel continues Murray’s exploration of education and the role of women in the new nation. She was engaged in subscribing and reevaluating the history to belief on the progressive history. Murray planned to usher in “New Era in Female History” by her commitment to women for their better education.

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Murray married a captain of ship John Stevens. She tried publishing in 1784 under a pseudonym for ending their financial misery for no avail. After her first husband death, she married John Murray.  She believed that to make the children of the nation strong and educated; their mothers should have to be educated. Her essays also challenged the winning notions that the brain of a female was inherently less and she argued that females were suppressed not because of physical limitations but because of the lack of education access. She also educated her daughter.

A successful literary also work in her essay “Gleaner” series. Many of other copied her style and personality because students like Murray’s essays and poetry and find stylistically constrained. Primarily Murray was interested in making some new content for the American literature and not in establishing some new forms of literacy. Her work was original and printed in many journals. She had a diverse audience of readers who adhere to her Federalist agenda and liberals that were much interested in the issues of women. A wide audience brings with beliefs on finding the appeal to the male and female readers. (Fowler, 2011)


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