Does Big Data Bring Big Rewards-Case Study Review

Case Summary

The case is describing the need for the Big Data for the firms and its further utilization to improve the sales. The big data is collected from the social media sites where customer’s profiles are present. The use of the internet by the customer is, in fact, helping the big organizations to look into the insights as Sears has done to improve the business and sales.

The same procedure was adopted by IBM where the software technologies were being used to see the customers for future targeting. Big data is helping organizations to increase their profits in a short time (McAfee, 2012). Some software is helpful to collect the data from the social media sites within seconds, and this data is organized for organizational usage.

The data collection procedure through social media sites is also referred to as data intelligence. Organizations now a day are using the social site’s data for building a competitive advantage (Zikopoulos, 2011).

The ultimate reason to collect customer insights from social sites is to have a close relationship with the customers. Some general data collection technologies are the Leading edge algorithm data by Google, Teradata warehouse software, SAS servers, and Hadoop.

Business Intelligence Technologies

Some general and specific technologies are being used by IBM, Sears, and Google to collect the data. The technologies are Leading-edge algorithm data by Google, Teradata warehouse software, SAS servers, and Hadoop. Different technologies have varying power to collect the data for the organizations.

The data collected through these intelligence engines is further interpreted by the research analysts to see the needs of the customers, and here the companies can work on the gap generation, and new products can be developed easily (Madden, 2012).

Business intelligence technologies may have negative consequences as these can interpret the data wrongly in the case of less knowledge to use the insights (Madden, 2012).

Should all organizations try to analyze the Big Data?

All organizations can use big data as the case is showing the diversity of the organizations and their relationship with the big data (Madden, 2012). Some big players in the market like Google, Sears, and IBM used big data technology to assess the customer’s needs, and they have developed the products according to customer needs.

It will be easier for the firms to prepare the product according to the taste of the customers that is also beneficial for reducing the expenses of research. The research is used by the marketing analysts/researchers to find the gap in the market.

The gap is defined to locate the product and this takes longer time while doing research for the sake of gap identification but the big data is helpful to know the global customers for easy reach (Chaudhuri, 2012).

If all the organization works to analyze the big data, they will find fewer expenses that are being incurred in the research process and collection of primary and secondary data.

The data will be here in a very short time, and the company can assess the need of the customers without wasting a longer time. This helps to increase the loyalty elements in the customers as the Sears, IBM is showing the changing behavior with a single change.

Describe the Kinds of Big Data collected by the companies

Big Data is in fact the customer’s insights that are being collected with the help of some intelligent software. Big Data was introduced by Google first time as there are the world’s most known IT experts who know about the customers and their profiles (Zikopoulos, 2011).

The profiles of the customers were being collected for looking into the behaviors of the customers. Social media and the internet were the main sources to look into the needs of the customers, therefore, the data collected by using the software.

It includes customers from all over the world. This data can be separated by interpreting the details and culture of the customers.


The case study has described the collection of data from the most easier resources and the use of that data by the bigger organizations to know their customers carefully.

As the organization was adopting modern technology to gather the information of the customers, therefore, these were successful. This action was leading most of the organization towards profitability because the organizations were able to know about the needs of their customers.


Chaudhuri, S. (2012). What next?: a half-dozen data management research goals for big data and the cloud. In Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI symposium on Principles of Database Systems, (pp. 1-4). ACM.

Madden, S. (2012). From databases to big data. IEEE Internet Computing, 16(3), 4-6.

McAfee, A. B. (2012). Big data. . The management revolution. Harvard Bus Rev, 90(10), 61-67.

Zikopoulos, P. &. (2011). Understanding big data: Analytics for enterprise class Hadoop and streaming data. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.


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