Your work regarding the differences prevailing in the public and private healthcare sectors is quite comprehensive and impressive especially with reference to the Australian healthcare sector. I would agree with your work that clearly outlines how planning is different at private and public healthcare sectors. In fact, it is obvious that public health sector has to face budgetary constraints, public intervention, and not-for-profit challenges while planning in contrast to private health sector which works for profit aims and expands with the changing conditions of the target market.


This work also provides pertinent planning model being used in the Australian healthcare market where public health sector works on the population-based planning considering the needs of community and society including the most disadvantaged whereas private healthcare sector adopts resourced-based planning model which enables this sector to maximize returns. It is the real business phenomenon to increase returns while matching the market supply with demands.

This work also embarks upon highlighting one of the basic and real factors that differentiate the planning at public health care sector and the private healthcare sector in Australia.  The equity that is everyone gets reasonable health benefits is being considered while planning at public health care units. Furthermore, your work has also described the different types of public health affairs facilities where the equity principle is commonly

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plasticized (Briss, 2011). This principle is often ignored while planning and devising strategies at private health units as their major focus is on bottom-line results of profitability. In addition to that, it is also obvious that the private health sector is proffered in Australia due to equity principle and majority benefits (Duckett, (2007).

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This pragmatic work successfully concludes as it directs both public and private health sectors to think beyond their profitability and other desired motives and seek new dimensions of planning that ensure majority health benefits rather than making quick money at the cost of public health. Moreover, it is also clear that most of the public and private healthcare institutes have already increased their efforts towards treating and preventing chronic diseases keeping in view majority benefits of the whole population. Thus the author’s work draws a line between public and private health care based on their planning differences while desiring that the future planning should focus on health needs of the whole population as around the world needs for low-cost health benefits and services are increasing day by day (Jacob,2007).


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