Conditions for Jew and Christians change with the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula

  1. How did the conditions for Jew and Christians change with the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula and why were the Christians there more disaffected than the Jews?

Answers: Muslims, Jews and Christians co-existed in many centuries his early Muslim conquests also referred to as the Arab conquests and early Islamic conquests began with the Islamic Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century. He established a new unified polity in the Arabian Peninsula. Some Jews and Christians in the Sassanid Empire and Jews and Monophysites in Syria. Christian increasing blamed the non-believer and the heretics of the epidemic.

  1. What alternatives did Iberian Jews have if Muslim rulers demanded they convert to Islam?

Answer: Iberia’s Jews were in the visual culture of there is notable events during the period of Muslim presence in Iberia, starting with the Umayyad conquest . Islamic Spain was a multi-cultural mix of Muslims, Christians and Jews.  In 711 Muslim forces invaded and in seven years conquered the Iberian Peninsula. Muslim rule declined after that and ended in 1492 when Granada was conquered.  In Islamic Spain, Jews and Christians were tolerated if they

  1. Why do historians consider King Ferdinand III of Castile to be one of the most tolerant Christian rulers in Iberia?

Answer: Ferdinand is one of the successful kings of Castile. Muslims and Jews fought together. He justifies the rules and regulations to bring peace in that town. In the town of Europe, Christians blamed the Jews for the plague. Officials arrested Jews residents and confiscated their property. The Jews were buried at stake.

  1. What role did the Dominicans and Franciscans, and Ferron Martinez in particular, play in the worsening relations between Jews and Christians in Iberia?

Answer: the golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincident in Europe. The worsening relationship between Jews and Christian not able to oppress the Jewish community.  The conflict between Jews, Christians and Muslims was the exception, not the norm. The norm was peace, harmony, coexistence and cooperation among those of the three religions Spanish Jews once constituted one of the largest and most prosperous Jewish communities in the world

  1. What similarities can one point to between the antisemitic rioters of Northern Europe and Iberia in the 14th century?

Answer: Antisemitism is related to the prejudice, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews … The Black Death which devastated Europe in the 14th century also gave rise to hatred feeling. The history of Spain is marked by waves of conquerors who brought their distinct cultures to the peninsula. Jews were accused of the plague by poisoning. Every Jews is arrested and their property was confiscated. Officials tortured the prisoners until they confessed their crimes. Some Jews were burned alive. People from all religions die from the disease.

  1. What measures did the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon take against the Jews toward the end of the 14th century?

Answer: Christian attitude towards Jews in Spain generally continued to be tolerant in the 13th century. In the 14th century, Jews had been accused of poisoning wells. It was one of the many myths fabricated about Jews in the fourteenth century. These accusations were expanded to include leper, Muslims as well as Jews.

  1. Why advantages were there for the Jews of Castile and Aragon to become conversos

Answer: Being outside of Christian law, Jews were allowed to operate anti-Christian … gained all of the advantages granted to Christians in the Christian society. … In the 15th century Spain, the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile were riddled.

  1. Why did Catholics begrudge the conversos or “New Christians?”

Answer:  New Christian groups are known as flagellants. There was ample evidence “the conversos continued living in some measure …

  1. What were the reactions of Catholics in Toledo, (then the capital of the Kingdom of Castile, and later the Kingdom of Spain from 1474 to 1561) to the growing power and influence of the conversos?

Answer: the Catholic Monarchs (Spanish: Reyes Católicos) is the joint title used in history for Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon. They were both from the House of Trastámara and were second cousins, they had a goal of conquering the Muslim kingdom of Granada and completing the Christian.

10.In what ways did the creation of the single Kingdom of Spain under King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella impact the lives of Catholics and Jews before 1492?

Answer: Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon. Even after his death and the union of the crowns under one monarch. King of Aragon and king of Castile (as Ferdinand V) from 1479, joint sovereign with Queen Isabella I.

  1. What reasons did Ferdinand and Isabella give for the expulsion of Jews from their new kingdom?

Answer: Ferdinand and Isabella order the expulsion of Jews from Spain.we had just four months to make their choices.

  1. What conditions did Ferdinand and Isabella give Jews under their order of expulsion?

Answer: Ferdinand and Isabella completed the Catholic Reconquista. Isabella did not yield her authority to her husband must remove all heretics and non-Christians. Violence was broke out between the fall of 1391 and 1490. Castile and Aragon violence was followed by the increased pressure on Jews to convert. Jews were forced to attend sermons. Christian teaching showed them the error of belief. And the new laws were imposed on Jews.

  1. How unique was the Spanish expulsion of Jews in European history?

Answer: The Spanish expulsion of Jews throughout the Europe and the Arab world. It is one of the king’s trusted courtiers who witnessed the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, in the 15th century

  1. How did the pattern of European expulsions shape the lives of many European Jews?

Answer: the pattern of European expulsions shape the lives of the Jews, it is changing the patterns and sizes of consumption that took shape in Europe. People … today – were increasing the number of cultural minorities. Population exchange, expulsion, forced and impact of immigration on associational life and civil.

  1. Where did Spanish Jews find refuge and under what conditions?

Answer: Spanish Jews take refuge in Ottoman Empire. After the black death in 1300s, the persecution of Jews were intensified. Many Jews moved farther east. Some are not able to move. The home become so much dangerous. Because they were forced from their bodies.

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