TEOCO Case Study

TEOCO Introduction and Background

TEOCO was launched as the main organization in 1994 as the S corporation. The company was aimed at providing high-quality Information Technology consultancy at the initial stages. First and foremost clients in STC include

  • Siemens,
  • Mobil,
  • SRA,
  • Cable and Wireless,
  • Freddie Mac

TEOCO decided to transit its production and services from consultancy-based decisions to real product development. Ultimately there was no location, and the company decided to have strong regulations and multiplications in their product development and idea-sharing. Topco has developed long-term planning and maintains its way of employee management and motivational techniques. In this regard, all of their policies are about their roles in the societal structure development and IT information and consultancy with the IT products is an additive edge over the other products and services providing market players. There were 75 employees at the start of product development whereas, in 2006, Acquisition of Vibrant solution has increased the employee’s numbers more with the new 24 employees. To mentor these employees, the extra or more alluring factor in that opportunity was also the addition of cost management techniques and Assets of business intelligence (Jung & Pawlowski, 2015).

The company did change its structure from the S corporation to C Corporation as it has to include more employees and working criteria in its structure. There was the burst of the dot.com bubble, and TEOCO selected the rationale strategy to move based on this bubble. Atul was selected to provide a strong base for their client feedback and client database development. They had maintained the client structural data sets to show their linking and disliking and how they will react according to the different situations in the market (Colino, Benito-Osorio, & Rueda-Armengot, 2014).

, Event planning and employee retention strategies; all were the basis of their structure managing techniques and their way to manage their employees (Dau & Cuervo-Cazurra, 2014). They provided substantial capital in three different start-ups, including Eventrix, AppreciateYou.com, and netGenshopper.com for online auctions. There was a lack in establishing these ventures, and they could not merge and develop relations with the strategic nature of the working criteria. These all entities went failed and could not be used in the later business strategic movements.

Current situation and Atul’s Decision

AFairfox was arguing for the analysis and software implication in the telecommunication industry. Case study includes various aspects and conditions to be analyzed effectively and collaborating for Analysis. It was hectic in the time periods as they have to manage and collaborate with the excessive nature of working.

There was working of the 12 hours in that day ending up with the hectic times, but the transaction was successful and made it up like a successful transfer. Atul is not comfortable with the decisions as he was uneasy to take that life-changing decision and can have a strong impact over the coming life events and business operational life. TEOCO is the personal effort or personal journey of Atul as he had put a whole life effort in standing the pillars of that company. He has the stake of other 300 employees at his all decisions. It was also working as the radar screen most of the times when employees and consumer expects a lot from the Company. Atul was not convinced that he must go for the Venture capital or to the investors for money (Fox, 2014).

He explained the logic behind that in two major aspects: he never wanted to be under the obligations or debts as an entrepreneur must be debt-free. Secondly, he does not want to put the values of employees and TEOCO at the stake of any other investors. Atul was of the viewpoint that all of the entrepreneurs must be able to define themselves and make decisions based on something in gain and something to let go of. He peeped into the past and compared it with the current entrepreneurs in his organization as they all are working in the thirties age limit and have the same decision-making styles.

Atul knows that his strategy of making all the decisions in investing all eggs in the same basket and waiting for everything or none was the basic reason for his current situation. He could get success more easily in his thirties, but he did not pay heed to his decision management styles. Atul has found a way to manage its employees by providing them motivation and rewards. The rewards he has included in his organizational policies are rewarding natures, including financial and non-financial rewards. All such factors were stable until the restlessness in their systematic needs and the results regarding the new agreements. It went wrong when entrepreneurs do not feel it leading towards success and rewarding factors (Geldhof et al., 2014).

Impact of Partnership

The impact of the partnership, in this case, was always based upon the way how Atul expected it. He believes that all of the activities and organizational culture will be unsafe or changed with the addition of any new company. It was also explained later on in an effective manner as there were many changes in the system ranging from the intangible policies and impact toward tangible or quantifiable results (Herrera-Echeverri, Haar, & Estévez-Bretón, 2014).

Expectations of Both Parties

Expectations of both parties are included in this regard. All papers and agreements are involved in this regard. Most of the employment and other opportunities were created in both organizations. There was a lot of expectation involving IT information and the Transfer of Information Technology Products from one organization to another organization. It was aimed at finding great impact and great solutions. It has to be involved in the decision-making process as both companies are transacting in the agreements.

The culture of TEOCO was revolving around employee ownership principles. It was evident that most of the rewards and personnel managing behaviours were contingent on the efforts and maintaining the rewarding system. Atul of the view that there must be fewer rules and focus on maintaining them in the organization rather than having too many rules and no implication. To find the way in all these situations, he looked at the partnership and was hopeful of getting better outcomes (Javalgi, Hall, & Cavusgil, 2014).

Atul has the strong belief that he has developed the unique abilities to hire and recruit the exact persons who were the organisation’s needs. It was the basic rule, as he mentioned in the achievement of cost management techniques. HR practices and policies are effectively involved in TEOCO to ensure that there is a chain of the working in HR management department through Cost management, resulting in the work environment and combined efforts of motivating employees and strategic focus on Human resources.

The socialization process is available in the market. HR policies in TEOCO are contingent on managing all HR policies and practices in employee perception reshaping types and their behavioural aspects. On the other hand, there are various forms of the material, and the relevant information is also available in the successful implication of all rewards a policy. TA association was rich in their cost management efforts, and that was also in the TEOCO; few further improvements were made there available in that regard resulting in more innovation and technology improvement in TA Association (Leyden, Link, & Siegel, 2014).

TA associates added two directors to the TEOCO board that is the most significant impact on the decision-making styles and procedures. Employee’s ownership in the TEOCO was 25%, and for Atul, it was 75% before the TA agreement. After the agreement, it was shifted from 25% to less than 60% of the former. It was an issue that either these new shares would be acceptable to the employees to new future ownerships are also expected in this regard. Employees were managed and assured about their crucial roles in the organization after successful HR policies circulation, but that was not the only thing that could be successfully implemented.

Employees are working for TEOCO, so they have to be committed and motivated due to any effort made for the employees by TEOCO. In case there is no acquisition, and the situation of employee ownership is the same, then there might be chances to get them resistant in accepting less employee ownership. All of the focus or strategic rules were present in that criteria according to the results. Better systems are also the sign of success to be made by the more ownership grants towards new and incoming acquisitions (Pilkova, Holienka, & Rehak, 2014).

TEOCO strategy and TTI Acquisition

TEOCO’s strategy not improve and go forth best in the shape of motivating employees is always a framework to move successfully. Following are major strategic changes in the TEOCO before adapting the TTI. Major strategies of TEOCO include the following organizational objectives and strategies.

Shared Leadership

Shared leadership in the TEOCO was based upon three major leaders in the organization working in the shared views, decisions, and working environment effectively. They have not used mentoring and leading in a manner that dictates only I am the powerful or empowered with all of the duties or rights in the organization. Transformational leadership is preferred compared to the organizational objectives and strategic goals dealing in the framework of transactional level. To measure the needs of all employees, they are also interviewed and getting involved in the feedback continuously. It has increased focus and employee involvement in the achievement of the goals.

Four different classes of employees are available based on dividing them for training needs. The first class of employees requires more training and belongs to the less important class of employees. The second class is requiring less training and belongs to the more important class of people. In the third and four stages, employees with less importance and less training and more important and more training classes are present. After this dedication, Atul has to decide either all of the employees must be trained or some of them must be trained according to the importance rate for organizational objectives and aims.


Atul has a different personality as he was an entrepreneur in the working career. In contrast, he was aimed at getting things explored in a meaningful way and gets them acquired as soon as possible with no harm to the stakeholders.

TTI Acquisition Issues

Different issues and problems were present in the TTI acquisition that is mentioned in the effective nature of the timings. TEOCO was available to the new market exploration whilst at the same time, there must be a focus on the telecom industry only. To get all of these tasks done effectively, various challenges were to be faced by both organizations. Following are major challenges to be faced by TEOCO.

Size of the organization

The size of the TTI was four to five times larger than TEOCO that made it explored in an effective way to have all the structure and working managed in time (Toma, Grigore, & Marinescu, 2014). It was not a meagre inclusion like the working or styles. Still, it has complete mergers or acquiring that would also have the operational justifications, and the failure or success of TTI was conditional to TEOCO.  Atul was the first who recognized that this is the big challenge in their working criteria. According to Him,

“We did buy an organization with 24 employees, and an organization with 36 employees, but this time, it is really hectic and tremendous job to follow up as it is going to add the responsibility of buying an organization with 300 employees.”

Unlike other organizations, TTI remained an organization that was managed in a separate term. There was no issue, and pertained issues were also termed in the regard that there will be a time span to manage such a large acquisition.

Location and Culture

TEOCO was located in the United States, whereas TTI was operating in and working in Israel far more than the time and area limits in operational boundaries. There were many opportunities created for the cross-selling of the products and market synergies in different client bases. There were different participants and leasing customer in Israel those would not be in touch in the case organization in moved towards Israel. It gets them retained and works most successfully, it was necessary to work with the constraints and areas of confinement.

In this regard, the CEO of TTI was also arguing that there would be the major participant in their business and investors those would be lost in case they are not provided with the due diligence. The main thing that is they are going to have with the agreement with Atul was based upon their training and managing the people in all sorts of constraints and issues about those conditions.

Means of Acquiring TTI

Means of acquiring TTI were more effective as there is no background of the reasons to acquire this organization without learning the means and effects that TEOCO put in the organizational framework. The major and most effective parts in this practical implication were based on the cost management styles and means and incentives to risk-taking. TEOCO learned these things from the acquisition of TA.

They had a large level of expectations and more meaningful approaches towards the management of the rewards and employees as employees in this regard were also the best and motivational source, so there was a need of getting all the work done in the dividing and distribution nature of working styles. Employees were deemed as the most strategically managed and most effective party in both organizations. They have the dealing and effective management record in the essence that they must include their participation roles and their strategic motivation techniques. They have mentioned their strategies were unique, and they knew how they could get their employees to tie in a strong bond.

Strategic issues and solutions

Strategic issues and solutions were basically those attached with the strategic roles that were to be made effectively done by the organization. They were doing their operations in a meaningful way, and their way of managing all the situations was remarkable. TEOCO has a single major issue, and that was based upon the limitations and justifications about the confined areas and how they can get the strategic cultures merged ineffective roles. To measure their factors and roles, a feedback scenario is a perfect strategy.

Major issues were highlighted and put into the effective tool managing targets as it was not the target, but it cannot be ignored for further working and managing styles. In this regard, entire management was about the working in the areas and limitation of different minds and countries. Still, there were many leadership as well as management techniques those were interchanged among two cultures of the countries. People poor employees in the two countries were exposed to more diverse working styles and had to get them successfully managed in all the situations they are provided with.

Suggestions and Recommendations

Employees are always an enriched source of motivation and success, so there must be additional effects to be taken in need of committed employee’s achievement. To get these cases resolved in the structural needs and entrepreneurial effects, one must go with the structures and managing techniques. All of the major tasks and makings are made in the factors in such factors that Atul has to frame the strategies in the employee motivation.

In these regards, employees are planned, and leadership styles are always mentioned in these strategies. All the major issues and problems must be solved so that Atul would be working in the leading Software and information technology participant. In this regard, more and organizations would be in continuous improvement; more there will be the chances of getting them successfully launching the events and success.

The major causes of the change and their prescribed issues are regularly maintaining trends and structural needs on their response. The more an organization is prone to natural and rewarding their structures, the more they will need their structure confirmed association with the employees. Employees are following and selecting their structure according to their working strategies.

TTI is moving in the maximization of the processing and valuation of their employees. Working with the diverse nature of the employees and their relevant structural needs is a great experience that is going to be earned by the TA and TTI. In their working start, all the functions and measuring targets are used as they are the real sector to be focussed on. In their structure and area confinement, TTI has to draw their own strategies as they are currently working. Getting the maximum variant culture at the executive roles, the need for further development and needs is not stagnant in that mean.

Consulting with the measures of the techniques and structures, it has to be embedded and modified as they have to make it adaptive. Leading the organization and getting all the new organizations involved in the organization. Some more techniques and trends can be used to make all the organizational leaders considered that they are effectively meant to the leader. Atul has proved this rule by dedicating the director’s and leader’s roles to all other people who can work as the director from other companies. It has changed the organisation’s structure, but it has also provided a cooperative and more innovative structure to TEOCO. Summing it up, it is entirely an exclusive mature of working and considering all situations in this regard for managing the innovation and entrepreneurship culture.


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