How does it help you to understand the cultural differences

  1. How does it help you to understand the cultural differences?

The mini ethnography Is greatly helpful in understanding the cultural differences and to have a knowledge about the fact that how some rituals being practiced by a society creates a cultural difference for the  other society. By reading and understanding the mini-ethnography based article on Nacirema, I came to know that body rituals also play a great role in differentiating the culture and defines the values and limits of the culture. I also came to know that some of the values and beliefs being followed by a culture are not necessarily followed by the other culture. And also, it is not necessary that one cultural practices are also acceptable by the other culture. Hence, this reading has helped me to understand the cultural differences and how these differences are of great value for the people living in a specific culture.

  1. Cultural descriptions makes us consider familiar cultural behaviors in new light. Did Miner give you a new perspective on health care practice in the US?

It is right to say that cultural descriptions are helpful in understanding the cultural behavior and also to believe that cultural descriptions define the real set of activities being performed by the individuals regularly. Miner has also stated a new perspective on health care in the United States as he has discussed and briefly described the daily practices in Nacirema, such as mouth rite is considered as a ritual which needs to be performed daily. He has also discussed the fact that the various cleaning tools were used in the culture, and this practice of cleaning teeth and using various tools has led to the practice of brushing teeth.  Miner has also presented the fact that the ethnocentrisms can be avoided in a culture only in a way if one culture is not compared with other on the basis of the values of other culture. By understanding the Miner’s theory it can be stated that he has brought a new perspective of cleanliness and hygiene in the United States.

  1. How can you connect it to the quote at the beginning of this PowerPoint?

It can be related to the quote of Mark Twain that it is not only important to understand the cultural differences but also it is important to acknowledge these differences. It can help the individuals to understand the role of culture and respect the values of other cultures. Also it can be related to the quote of Clyde Kluckhohn, by understanding the fact that the individuals are not same and they belong to different cultures, and they have different values while living in society.

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